You're So Stupid Rose

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Jack POV:

Rose and watched sadly as a mother and her two kids were separated from their father. The poor little girls were sobbing, begging their father to get in the boat with them. I couldn't imagine the pain they must feel to be separated from their father. He convinced his daughters that there would be another boat for him and he would see them again but I could hear the doubt on his voice. He knew he wouldn't see them again. Despite what he was saying, it was goodbye forever.

Rose turned to look at me. "I'm not going without you." I loved Rose and the fact she refused to go into the lifeboat to be with my touched at my heart but she had to go in. If she died because she didn't go in the boat, I would never forgive myself. "No. You have to go. Now," I softly told her. She shook her head. "No, Jack." Normally I loved how stubborn she could be but this was not the moment to be stubborn. "Get on the boat, Rose." She refused again. "Get on the boat." We heard a familiar voice behind us and sure enough, when we turned around, there was Cal.

"Yes, get on the boat, Rose." I saw her stare at him with a face full of disbelief. "My god, look at you. You look a fright." He threw her blanket off and into my face before taking off his overcoat and putting it over her. "Go on. I'll get the next one," I insisted but she still refused. "No. Not without you." I loved how she worried for me but i needed her to worry for her own safety. "I'll be alright. Ill be fine! I'm a survivor. Don't worry about me. Now get on," I protested, kissing her hand. Cal chimed in to our conversation. "Uh, I have an arrangement with an officer on the other side of the ship. Jack and I can get off safely. Both of us." I knew he was lying. I could sense it. Why would he ever try to help me? But if that's what it took to get Rose on the boat and safe, I had no choice but to go along with it. "See, I got my own boat to catch! Now get on!"

A crewman helped her onto the boatand she grabbed my hand but was forced to let go. I hated that we had to be separated but we didn't have a choice. I just had to pray to god I would survive so we could reunite on the rescue ship. I watched tears form in Rose's eyes as the boat slowly was lowered. I felt saddened too but I hid it. "You're a good liar," Cal commented. I avoided eye contact with him. "Almost as good as you. There's no arrangement, is there?" I said. He smirked. "No, there is. Not that you'll benefit much from it. I always win, Jack. One way or another."

My eyes didn't shift off of Rose's. I gazed at her as her boat made its way out the second airway. She stared at the second airway and back up at me. The next thing I knew she was standing up inside the boat and she jumped onto the airway. What the hell was she doing?! "Rose!" I yelled. Several people helped her up onto the ship and she steadied herself. "ROSE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I saw her run off. "NO!!" I ran to find her. We eventually met at the brand staircase.

"Rose!" She jumped into my arms and I held her close while she sobbed intkmy chest. "You're so stupid! Whyd you do that, huh?! You're so stupid, Rose!" I smothered the top of her head with kisses while she held onto me tight. "Whyd you do that? Why?!" I kissed her lips as she pulled away, our hands gripping each others heads. She stared into my eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks. "You jump, I jump, right?" She said, using my own words against me. I couldn't help but smile. "Right," I said, pulling her in for more hugs. "Oh, god! I couldn't go, Jack, I couldn't go! At least I'm with you..." she said, still sobbing. "Shh, we'll think of something."

I held her close, never wanting to let go. But I had to? I looked up and I saw Cal pointing a gun at us from the banister above. "ROSE! RUN!" I grabbed her hand as he shot at us but missed. Rose screamed as he chased us into the water, shooting but missing every time. Rose kept screaming every time I bullet fired. "ROSEM COME ON! MOVE, ROSE! GO!" We kept on running until we were back in the dining area. We hid behind a table in the water.

Lovejoy entered the room with the gun and began searching for us. "Be very quiet, Rose. We're gonna be okay." We slowly crawled through the water, trying to make little noise. "Stay here," I whispered and crawled behind a different table. I watched as Lovejoy made his way to Rose's table and pointed the gun at her. "I've been looking for you, Miss." With that, I stood up and jumped on his back. We had a little fight and he pushed me onto the floor, aiming the gun at my head. "You little shit." I kicked him in the kneecap and grabbed him. "Compliments of the Chipuewa Falls Dawsons," I said, before ramming him into a wall and running out of the room, Rose's hand in mine.

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