002 ❁ Signature Colors

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A/N: Hey hey. Thanks for tuning in. Enjoy :) TW: vague talk of the war and past torture. Dumbledore being Dumbledore. Comment and vote if you like xx

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Snow tumbled. Made the castle an angelic fantasy with winter rising high. Being that Hogwarts was Wren's permanent place of residence, she stayed for any and all breaks. Tended the plants even more with the harsh sleet of ice. Christmas loomed and students prepped for their last few periods.

"It's true some of these plants thrive even with winter? Without your protective spells and all?" Hermione Granger approached while students were split into groups for their outdoor activities today. Collecting specific plants from their books. All of them bundled up from head to toe.

"Oh? Yes, they go into spring stronger than ever," Wren knelt to wrestle a hard root out of the frozen earth. Gloved hands tugging until she tipped back into the snow with her prize in hand. "Almost through your list?" She gathered the roots into a bag to be sorted with other ingredients. Went back into the warmer greenhouse with Hermione trailing.

"Just this last picture we're trying to figure, I know I've seen it," the young Gryffindor flashed the image. Wren twitched a smile. "I know it."

"It'll come to you," Wren scanned the students as Pomona walked them through some of the harder plants on the list. "It's something I deliver often to poor Madame Pomfrey."

"I've got it!" Hermione sparked. "Dittany. It's used in healing potions. You can regrow skin and heal werewolf bites in seconds."

"Exactly it," Wren watched her hurry back to her group. Answered idle questions and paused to help clumsy students gather ingredients properly without damaging the plants around them.

Sprout passed her to grab a scarf she'd left on the table inside, pausing to remark.

"Dumbledore tells me our third floor project is stronger than ever. Finally matured."

"Glad to hear it," Wren's gentle voice barely lifted above falling snow. Hemlock stirred in her pocket, tucked safe and warm in the front of her dress.

Wren opted to take an early lunch in the staffroom, nose buried in a book with a warm drink next to her. Hemlock helped himself to a tiny insect that had tried to hurry across the table. He climbed the thick braid that hung down over her shoulder to get back to his favorite pocket. Teeny eyes on the pictures in her text.

The door opened and Snape paused upon seeing her, eyes averting when she barely glanced up. Engrossed in her work. Face pinched in thought. Wren felt him cross behind her. Barely spoke above an utter.

"Pot's fresh."

Severus seemed to pause and debate it before she heard him pouring. A chair shifted when he took a seat closer to the fireplace. Newspaper already up. Wren, always perched next to a window to see the sky, turned the page of her chapter.

They sat in total silence for a while. Shared it. Wren finished her mug and felt satisfied where she'd left off in her study before standing. Feet shifted to go after doing away with the mug.

Eyes turned at the door to see the newspaper flick higher. Almost too quickly. Lips tugging, she went out to continue her day. Classes ending. Not long before students could rush home to their families as the week dwindled. Snowflakes tumbled into black hair, Wren passed Hagrid on his way into the Great Hall with their Christmas tree.

"Wren!" He chirped, snaking miles of snow from his coat and hair. "Ain't she a beaut this year?"

"Fraser fir. Healthy. A worthy choice," she ended up following. Boxes of last minute decorations in wait at the head of the tables. Hagrid hoisted the lush tree into place. "My mum used to have this one ornament she insisted on placing first. Traditions."

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now