029 ❁ The River

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A needed holiday away from Umbridge comes for Severus and Wren. Lil smut as a treat. Thanks for being patient with me, life has been all over the place and depression is a bitch. xoxo

*As always, kind words mean so much. Recs, votes, and comments are so appreciated.

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Avoiding staff members was easy in Wren's new position. Bit unsettling when she entered the staffroom on rare occasions and voices hushed. They knew her play. Most of them. Still there was a certain needle pricking when her heels drew close. Since the evaluation, she and Severus sat on opposite ends of the table. Not wanting to raise possible suspicions.

Severus slipped the needed syllabus under her door that night as well.

More Educational Decrees littered the walls. Clustered together. Banning clubs and music and anything that wasn't Minister Approved. Umbridge would have banned free thought if she could and she certainly tried.

"Please, Miss Valentine, have mercy!" Fred came to his knees in theatrics.

"We're not worthy," George announced next to him in the courtyard. Comically, they bowed and rolled around the stone as if pained.

"Dial it back just a little, boys," Wren said under her breath, confiscating a product that she gave back the second Dolores looked pleased and went the other way. "Alright, how much for the Darkness Powder?"

"Take this sample for free just cause we like you. Figure we owe you for helping the operation run. Fun game, too," Fred offered a jar and Wren chuckled upon taking it.

"Thanks, boys. Don't sell in the open and leave the first years be. Something tells me I might need this later," Wren snuck it away into her bag. "Stay out of trouble if you can and get to the Quidditch pitch, have a great game."

The longing Herbologist was off to complete some errands about the castle. Managing to avoid Umbridge for a few needed hours.

Eyes caught Severus passing under the arches later. She hurried off in pursuit. Severus seemed to sense her presence but didn't break stride. A puff picked up behind him. Speedy clicks to his right when they were alone.

"Not still mad at me over everything, are you?"

"I am not," he turned sharp and simmered with an even exhale, "upset."

"Could have fooled me," her arms crossed before she followed him down the empty hallway. "It's Thursday. No delivery from me tonight, I think you miss me. Oh? Maybe you're hard at work mulling over the impending Slytherin loss this Quidditch game? I thought about catching the second half."

He stopped again. Saw her smile flash before smirking.

"They added another Weasley to the team. It's my belief that my students will be fine."

"Oh, so Professor Snape does bite back still?" Wren followed Severus, a slower pace since they were alone still. Outside, the cool wind echoed. "Glad you've gotten your sense of humor back. You'll need it when you lose."

"Not losing," he mused, "your mouth is going to get you into trouble."

"Hm, how to silence me? I wonder..."

They moved at the same time. Pushed each other into an empty classroom that was gathering dust. Out of sight. Severus pressed against her next to the door.

"I miss you," Wren admitted, flush between him and the stone. "Let's skip the game and my winning results later." His chest heaved at her. Eyes darting in the dim light. Sun from the grey day barely filtering in the cracked windows. Wren sobered there. "I sent word to the the Order. She's gonna sack someone."

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now