032 ❁ Order to Chaos

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A/N: Enjoy the chapter and please don't press me anymore for updates especially if you don't uplift or interact with the story at all on the sites I post to. It hurts. Please don't be unkind in comments on here or ao3. I'm a person, not a machine. I really love writing but I've been so discouraged on both my fics lately. Thank you for tuning in. 

Umbridge struggles to keep control as Wren cracks. 

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   Minister Fudge arrived with Kinglsey. A silent greeting swept him and Wren as they came to Dumbledore's office and explained what was known. Minerva standing behind the desk near Fawkes. Marietta in another room. Percy Weasley sneered as he entered the doorway.

"I have this, Miss." He stole the parchment from Wren to take notes. She wanted to smack the little weasel herself but was frankly glad to not be doing the task. Harry was dragged up by Umbridge moments later in a huff for his interrogation. He locked eyes with Wren and saw her frown apologetically.

The questioning only got worse when Marietta was shown in. Still covering her face. Dolores faked some sweetness to get the girl to show her disfigurement before she was wailing into her hands again. Wren stepped forth but Dumbledore made a barely there motion with his hand to still her.

Through the shouting and bickering, Dumbledore had a sort of secret smile on his serene face. Kingsley muttered something. An invisible spell had Marietta calming. Just hiding her face. He winked at Wren when she caught his eyes.

"Dear, tell us about the meetings. You said they'd been going on the last six months, correct?" Umbridge had a sickly sweet smile. "You can just nod."

To everyone's awe, the girl shook her head.

A memory charm, Wren realized. Lip twitching only once. The moment ended because Dolores seized the fifteen-year-old by her arms and started shaking her violently. Too many things happened at once. Dumbledore was on his feet. Wand out with Kingsley at his side. Barking to stop it. Wren took the direct approach.

"Professor, she's just a child!" Wren found herself between them. Not knowing how she moved that fast in the first place. Dolores' hand swept out. Nailed Wren in the mouth instead in the commotion. She spun at least once before hitting the floor. A sting vibrated her face as Marietta was dropped.

"You will not manhandle my students or strike my staff," Dumbledore's tone was venom. Harry came to Wren first, saw her touching her mouth that was bloodied.

"She got in the way!" Dolores gestured wildly at her assistant. "Ack! My hand. She bit me. Stupid girl! Your job is to be silent and stand behind me at every turn!"

"You hit her in the teeth!" Harry had his hand on Wren's arm while her awareness flooded back. She saw his eyes and thought Lily was there in the blur. Minerva hurried over to help pull Wren to her unsteady feet. It took Harry a moment to realize the blood on her teeth was Umbridge's and not her own. Even as her lips swelled. Dumbledore checked Marietta and came to Wren. Cupping her face.

Behind him, Fawkes was puffed in a threatening display. Ready to charge.

"Miss Valentine is dismissed. She needs the hospital wing. Please take Marietta with you," he watched her eyes blink with vague alertness.

Protect the girl. Protect the child. They need you. Wren chanted that to herself over and over again. She plucked Marietta up. Brought her away in a hurry. As they got down the steps, something banged. Shock the entire floor until they were sent over.

Wren, still floating with blood on her teeth, seized the Ravenclaw protectively. They sped further away. This wouldn't end well.

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