021 ❁ Perfect Impression

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A/N: Thank you guys for waiting. If you're a Loki fic reader, you know I'm dealing with a move to a new state and a breakup that should have happened months ago. xx Trying to pick up my art again while I'm settling finally.

Wren and Severus have their kinda first date. Trouble brews from a nearby source in the shadows. I really appreciate every person who reaches out and enjoys this story. I'm hunnybee038 on tiktok and aliasbee1 on twitter. Comments, votes, and recs are adored. xoxo

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The scent of earl grey wafted that early morning. Wren blinked in the candlelight. No sun yet, she hoped. With another sigh, she nuzzled the pillows and felt out. Empty sheets.

"Severus?" She rose with a sleepy mumble, rubbing her eyes. Blankets fell down her nude body. Hair slipping and messy. Snape seated himself behind her, admiring Wren's frame before he held out a cup of tea and waited until she was more alert. Already dressed and washed, he smirked upon her taking it.

"Thank you," she curled up to blow at the steam. "What time is it?"

"Close to five."

"Perfect," Wren came to the edge. Sipped and relished it before he stood to sweep off. "Not going to close off on me, are you?"

"You realize this complicates things," he stopped to stare at the floor. "Us."

"So you admit there is an us ," she mused before drinking again.

"I do," he faced her. Tense and uncertain. Wren saved him.

"We cannot tell anyone," she spoke. "I recognize that. We both have obligations to the school. To our students. To Albus." Wren paused as he rubbed idly at his arm. "Does it hurt?"

"Not really. Until this year began. It is why Igor refuses to leave me be. He's noticed the lines of them darkening and he is afraid."

"And you?"

"Change or not, I will not abandon my place at this school," he straightened. Wren nodded once. "There are things, Wren, that I cannot explain. You understand that?"

"I realize you're bound to obligations and threads beyond me. I just... Severus, I have feelings for you and I want to see where this goes. I think that's enough for me. If it's enough for you. We can explore it. If not. This will be a pretty memory we shared."

Something panged in his black eyes.

"I would like to explore it as well," he sounded out carefully. Wren smiled easier before she finished her tea and rose. Quick hands collected her clothing and jewelry.

"Wonderful, I'm glad you said that," she relaxed and moved to go dress in the bathroom. Wren washed her mouth out and wiped her face of smudged eye makeup. Fingers combed her hair out before she slipped back into the room. Severus waited at the fireplace with an expectant look. "Really, I had a lovely night. I should slip out while the sun is still down."

"Yes," Severus crossed to her. Chest sinking. Wren picked up her hair clips from the table, head tilting. She took his hand and slipped the most ornate one into his palm. Crystals gleaming in firelight. Severus lifted her hand to his lips. Kissed her knuckles intimately. Had her breath catching. "I will see you at a later time."

"It's a small castle," she quipped lightly. Beaming. Wren slipped from him. Went to the door. "Until then." She disappeared down the hallway, quick and silent steps. Snape opened his hand. Saw a crystalline pin glitter again in the shape of a Thestral's pointed wing. His lip curled at the sight.

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With school, the tournament, and another insufferable Skeeter article: Hogwarts was plenty distracted. Wren spent a few mornings brewing tea for poor Hagrid. The latest subject of Rita's tabloid onslaught: the fact that he was half-giant.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now