003 ❁ What Friends Are For

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A/N: Shorter chp! Book one and two go pretty quick compared to the others. Thank you all so so much! Comments and votes mean a lot if you enjoy xoxo

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Harshly grading some papers to stay ahead of things was how Snape began his winter holiday. Spinner's End wasn't enticing enough to leave the grounds. Especially with the issue of the third floor looming. He wasn't the celebrating type either way. It was barely an hour before there was a knock. Annoyance twinged. Probably Filch coming to bother him with nonsense.

"Come in," he replied coldly. And there she was again poking her head around the corner to shuffle inside. Bundled up and freezing, Wren crossed toward his desk. Boots clicking the stone. Her frozen breath cast into the dungeon air. It was common during the winter, Snape did little to warm his classroom and office. His poor students. Severus lowered the quill and sat up. "Yes, Miss Valentine?"

She blinked at him. Clearly uncomfortable. Back to her hushed tones. Nothing on her face even with the horrid chill.

"Barging in earlier was rude of me, Professor Snape."

"Yes, it was," he replied, black eyes trained on her face.

No actual apology followed but he cared very little about that.

"I wondered if you had an ingredient. I'm finding myself out and a trip to Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley will mean I'll stop for a drink," she began to ramble quicker with some added heat, "and if I start drinking this day, I won't stop so best avoid that and a lecture from Dumbledore-"

One of Snape's palms rose to stop her chatter. Wren winced at herself.

"Finding my voice again and I can't shut it off as well. Can we sum it up to you being easy to speak with?"

"I am never easy," his monotone droned back and Wren twitched a smirk in silent agreement.

"Right, ah..." She loathed herself. Eyes shut and opened. To the point. "Hellebore. That's what I need. It gets frequent use with me."

"How frequent?"

"Say what you're thinking," Wren got snippy, "professor."

"Are you medicating yourself with calming draughts?" He narrowed and saw her eye twitch. Wren almost ignored him with a flatter look. Didn't fully answer.

"It's not for me at the present. I have a solution of my own design that I use to heal certain plants. Whoever clipped my Venomous Tentaculas traumatized them, did a ruddy job. My solution will still that and the damage. Slow and heal gradually. Perhaps next year, they'll be able to teeth properly."

"Hellebore in the recipe," Snape mused as he sat back further, "I suppose that's a fitting, creative end for such a solution."

"That sounded on the edge of a compliment, sir."

"It was not," he replied swiftly, "you're a competent Herbologist that met expectations, that's why Dumbledore hired you and why you have book sales. That's all I said."

"Too late. No explanations. I'm taking it as a compliment, you're all honey tonight," she paused to see him scowl and changed tones. Lips pressing with batting lashes. Purred. "I'd owe you one, Professor."

Severus twitched something close to amusement, standing simply.

"Perhaps straight to the point next time so we both can be on our way," he went around her and only stopped to peer back. Black robes swaying. "Well? Are you coming or not? I don't have all night."

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now