007 ❁ Once Upon A December

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A/N: Hey everyone :) Enjoy the chapter. Fun with the dueling club ahead and maybe a little riff between characters. Words below would mean a lot xoxo

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Wren watched the Mandrakes like a hawk every time she came into greenhouse three. Always tending them and fussing about. Sighing because it was slow. Leaves rustled in sync before her.

"Eat up now, all of you," she fed them well one Monday morning as the sun rose. Dressed for the day in a little pattern dress. Robes over the table. Color tights shifting as a pair of brown boots clicked stone. A knock on the glass door had her turning. Dumbledore flocked by McGonagall and Snape. Sprout hurrying up behind them to gesture.

"Right where I said she'd be."

"Professors," Wren tucked a fallen strand of dark hair. Felt under-dressed without her robes but made no move to grab them. They all wore fallen expressions. "What's happened?"

"There's been another incident," Minerva crossed.

"Suppose you don't mean Lockhart's unfortunate healing technique for Harry Potter's arm," Wren's fumbled with a watering can and set it aside. Hemlock on her collar looking like a decorative pin. One hand came to her chest. Felt the heart there humming. Faster by the second. The quip twitched something in Snape's face behind them.

"I wish he was our school's only problem," Sprout muttered, "no, it was an attack. On a student this time."


"Colin Creevey," Albus frowned. "Last night. Petrified same as Mrs. Norris."

"Colin's a wonderful boy, always taking pictures with me in the gardens. He's just a first year," Wren lowered her eyes. "He's Muggle-born, is he not?"

"I spoke with his family myself," Minerva assured her.

"The Mandrakes won't be ready until May by my count," Wren sighed. "I'm doing what I can to speed them along. They have to mature on their own unless we wish to start the process over. They're healthy, I promise you that."

"We fear Hogwarts is no longer safe, we're doing everything in our power to find the source of this. We wanted to inform you personally seeing as you and Pomona are raising the Mandrakes for the cure. Teachers will be walking with students to their classes and Prefects will see them back to their dormitories for curfew," Albus exhaled, eyes bright behind thin spectacles. "I'd like to put you on quite a few of those between your classes."

"Of course," Wren's eyes scanned the group, hands lowering to clasp together.

"We'll do everything in our power to get these Mandrakes healthy. Ready for Professor Snape's potion," Sprout offered. "With Wren about, our gardens will be in the best hands."

Pride bloomed. Warmed Wren's cheeks when glances narrowed on her.

"I was fortunate to have a great professor and now, many capable students."

"The potion itself will be no issue, Headmaster," Snape spoke for the first time with his eyes fixed on Wren blushing, "with healthy Mandrakes, I can have it ready within the same day."

"I fear the Creevey boy won't be the last," Albus nodded his head. "I have more teachers to speak with but please, all of you, have care navigating these halls until this has been stopped."

Silent agreement followed the teachers out, Wren turned back to her plants. Saw Snape's cape shifting by the windows and caught his eyes through the cloudy glass before she plucked up the watering can. Work was never done.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now