028 ❁ Under Cold Silk

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A/N: Hey all, enjoy. Umbridge begins to switch things up to the joy of no one.

Comments, votes, and reccing the fic on other platforms goes far, thank you!

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The unmistakable bang of metal on stone had students and staff alike pausing one Saturday morning. Wren came down the steps. Joined Minerva and Severus a ways behind a group of fifth years gathering. Filch was balanced atop a ladder, hitting a new sign into the wall. Everyone winced with each crack.

Educational Decree Number 23 - Dolores Jane Umbridge has been appointed to the post of Hogwarts High Inquisitor.

"Lot of wall space for more of those," Wren remarked, eyes pointed high. Both colleagues turned to spy her there.

"Wren...your eyes are looking puffy. Are you alright?" Minerva touched her arm. Swallowing bile, Wren sniffled. Hated feeling small under their gazes. Charity joined them in a huff at the sign while students prattled on.

"I'm no longer in the Herbology department as of today," Wren sounded out blankly, gaze still fixed on light glinting off the silly proclamation.

"You're been sacked!" Charity burst.

"Promoted," Wren sucked her cheeks in, tried not to tremble. "Umbridge said I was wasted there. Said Pomona and Hagrid will be taking my duties on. Playing in dirt, she called it. That it was an honor for me to accept...the position of assistant to the new High Inquisitor."

"And you accepted?" Minerva frowned, rubbing Wren's arm.

"I didn't have a choice, it was already done," a shudder, "please excuse me. My first task is...wardrobe. Official clothing for when I stand behind her. I'm off to Hogsmeade."

"Wren, we can fight this," Charity began.

"She'll be evaluating your classes in person very soon. I'll send the exact date and times to you all tonight," Wren clicked off. "Stay out of her way until then."

"What an absolute..." Charity let a string of curse words out as she stalked off toward Sybill coming down the steps. Both women worried for what was coming.

"Puts her in a good position for what the Order asked, though I can see it's compromising. Wren was always a willful girl," McGonagall observed, continuing on with Severus next to her. His eyes moved toward the corner Wren disappeared around. "She'll sit in with Umbridge on these evaluations and have to agree with her. Poor thing."

"She is doing what she must, Minerva," his fingers wove together, "if you'll excuse me." He ducked out toward another passage. Headed Wren off when she was making her way out front toward the gates. Wren's heel skidded to stop.

"Yes, Severus? I don't have any new information for you or the Order. I'm headed to the Owlery after my shopping to send word."

"Quick to think I followed you due to the Order's business," he watched her shoulders fall. Wren puffed to agree and relaxed. "I only wanted to inform you that I will also be headed to the Owlery in ninety minutes."

"That...should be fine," Wren perked.

"Yes," he searched her, "and then... A drink. My office."

"Earl Grey. Hot enough to burn my mouth."

"It can be arranged," he droned.



"Excellent," Wren batted her lashes, chin cocked up. "Be ready to admire my choice in new, stiff wardrobe."

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