030 ❁ Head Over Heels

413 30 22

A/N: Wren comes to a realization as news shakes the castle.

I'm not in the best place mentally tbh in my personal and online life and what's happening with my other fic that I'm crossposting here for marvel is  negatively affecting this one. I'm glad people like it still and I'm trying. Thanks and leave words if you enjoy the story xx

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"Severus, get into the New Year's spirit," Wren had her tongue sticking out as she fiddled with the record player. Kneeling on the floor while he read the paper in his chair behind her.

   Christmas passed with fresh snow. Two lovers pressed together on the couch watching it. Gifts exchanged. Quiet meals of piping hot food. Conversations that ended with them twisted together under sheets. Wren's laughter in his tiny house. It was welcomed warmth.

   "Ha, there we go," she let the needle come down and fussed about until music reverberated. "Tea again?"

   "Something else for you on the pot," he mused, not setting the paper down. Wren hurried off and hummed in the kitchen.

   "So, you do listen, I'm impressed. Peppermint hot cocoa because I complained about a craving," she returned with a mug. "Do you want some?"

   "Later," he flicked his eyes up when she nudged the paper down enough. "No follow-up on Arthur Weasley, I presume that's good news."

   "Is it true Harry saw it in a vision? Saw you got an owl, I assume it's Dumbledore following up further from the moody hiding behind the paper," she stole it from his hands to slip into his lap, sipping and demanding attention. Severus made a sound in his throat. Let her nestle in, draped over him. "I still think I should have visited."

   "St. Mungo's is the last place you wish to be at the present," Severus reasoned. "And we can't have too many Order members in one place outside of meetings."

   "What did Albus say?" She drank and set the cup aside. Arms moved about his shoulders while he brought her in closer, eyes elsewhere.

   "He's requesting something of me. To assist Potter. At the end of the break," Snape admitted.

    "Ah," Wren shifted in, "I say we worry about the end of our holiday...at the end of our holiday." A sigh left him as she mumbled into his neck. "And I'll go back to being one of Umbridge's trapped feline paintings."

   "She wants the Veritaserum with the new term. Convinced students are meeting to overthrow her."

   "I hope they are, wouldn't blame them," Wren chuckled breathlessly. "Something for me to watch out for. If I get ahead of it, I can protect them." Quick, she shook her head and scoffed. "Planning talk later."

   The button on his collar opened. A fire crackled nearby as Wren's lips found his jawline. One hand skimmed up her thigh, barely under the dress. Sparks sailed across the sky, light popped and cast all directions. Startled, they both twisted to see it. Wren cupped the back of his head and brought his distracted mouth in.

   "Happy New Year, Severus," she purred under the swell of old music. Something instrumental from the 20s. Another louder series of bangs blasted across the sky. Had Severus cringing again. Wren slowed to blink at him, tugging on his clothing. "Let's go upstairs. Get into bed. Cast a charm to block the sounds out."

   "I do not like it," he admitted in the dim firelight, "the noise." Black eyes glinting when he tilted up toward her face. Wren placed a tender kiss upon his temple and pulled him along by the wrist. "If you wished to watch it-"

   "I wish to get into bed with you," she giggled like a song as they went. Stopping only when he turned her back. They fell into the wall. Felt about between lengthy kisses. Wren teasing a lightness out of him.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now