024 ❁ Black Water Lilies

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A/N: Shorter chapter to wrap up the end of Book 4. Thanks so so much! Recs, votes, and comments means so much if you're enjoying.

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Wren was disturbed late that night by a knock at four in the morning. She barely slept. Reclined on the couch near her desk where Hemlock was resting in his tree. Rising, she forgot her robe and opened the door with her wand clutched tight.

"Severus," a gasp hitched but he covered her mouth. Stumbling in before the door shut. She couldn't see much, wand lifting to light a lamp. A cry muffled. His clothing was torn. Blood seeping from a spot on his head. Battered and bruised. Shaking.

"You cannot ask," he wheezed in clear pain. Finally, Severus collapsed into her arms. They both went down. Wren's blue nightgown twisted. He sighed into silk and warmth. Wren strained to help him up before she was laying him on the couch. Sputtering breaths shook his chest.

It was clear he'd won his loyalty back. Otherwise, he would not have returned.

"I have you," Wren found her voice, setting a lamp on the table. She removed his top layers. Tried to patch up what she saw with fresh Dittany. "You're safe."

Severus made an odd sound at that. Like a dying cat. As if he'd never heard those words before in his short life. His face twisted aside. Wren realized that he was crying. Soft into the couch. Rueful tears leaking down the sharp angles of his face. Powerless, she let him. Placed her head upon his shoulder. Kissed the exposed skin.

"Don't do that," he spat, choking at her affection, "do not pity me. You promised me."

"I do not pity you, Severus," Wren rose with a harsh reply. Firm enough to get her point across. "I'm just glad you're here with me tonight. That's all. I'm glad we're alive."

Snape tremored and felt out for her until she was half over him. Kissing the tears from his cheeks. He pulled for more and more of her. Wren took his kiss. Let his hands slip up her back. The lamp died.

"You're hurt," she felt him practically vibrate. Feeling for the miles of warmth she provided. His hand was up her flimsy gown. Smoothing the lines of her back. Cupping her breasts to tease her nipples until she moaned. Severus kissed her. Begging. Fingers fumbled to move clothing aside. Just enough so she could slip down upon him. All resolve melted away.

"More," he seized. Iron hands on her hips. Silk pooling everywhere as they moved. Wren lost her breath. They rocked against the growing flames. Tried to stay hushed and hurried. "Wren." Her name scorched. "You don't hurt."

It was a realization that had them both in tears. Wren braced her hands upon his clothed chest. Thankful it was too dark to see. Too dark to be seen in return. Moved until they were at their quick, frenzied ends. His fingers coaxing her to just succumb. Collapsing back into velvety cushion. Wren caught her breath. Felt his lips upon her jawline.

Pathetically, they tried to fix their clothing and untangle. Wren's chest heaving and sinking. The strap of her gown off her shoulder. Severus stared at the muscle twitching. Longed to kiss her skin again.

"Are you able to climb the ladder? Come lie in my bed. We can just rest," she helped him until they climbed up to her loft where her bed sat. Feeling around to get in. "Let me hold you. Severus."

He climbed over her into the bed. Nestled into her arms. Aching still. Shaken. Wren and her lovely kisses upon his crown before she smoothed black hair into place. Felt his pulse beat. That was enough right now. They were alive. They were together.

Nothing more was said that night.

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Cedric's funeral took place in the Great Hall. Surrounded by everyone who loved him. Dumbledore told them how he died. Told them this community they built will last forever in Cedric's memory.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now