020 ❁ Exist For Love

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A/N: Y'all waited for this and I really, deeply appreciate that. Wren and Severus chaperone the Yule Ball. Feelings spill over. TW: Brief mention of past trauma and major major Smut, my babes. More to come after as well. I definitely didn't name this chapter after the AURORA song either, nope. Not like her music inspired my fic at all!! ;D Thanks and comment below.

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Rita Skeeter's reign of printed terror swept the castle. A wretched story of poor Hermione Granger's fabricated interest in boys was next.

"I did not break Harry's heart," Hermione was still steaming into a newspaper during a Herbology period. Students spread out for a study day among chilled weather and frosted greenery. Wren took pity on her.

"Want to let the Tentaculas shred that for you?"

"Please," the girl balled it up. Her big, spiraling curls seemed even more riled up this hour. "Erm...did you read...the entire thing?"

"I don't entertain Skeeter's trash prose if I can help it," Wren led her into one of the far greenhouses. "Give it a toss, they'll catch it. They're very coordinated now."

"You might want to give it a scan," Hermione frowned but offered it, she pointed to a part at the end. Wren narrowed with her lips falling open.

" ...among the love blooming at Hogwarts, sources say it's even infecting the staff. Pretty, aspiring writer and assistant gardener -... I'm a bloody Herbologist and a published writer, damn her!" Wren scoffed angrily at the page before continuing.

"...Wren Valentine was seen cozying up to famed Potions Master, Professor Severus Snape, at the First Task that very same evening. The two were spotted sharing an intimate embrace. Although, it appears this could be another wildly fanciful dream for the frequent patient of the Janus Thickey Ward at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Valentine could be headed for heartbreak against the stoic professor well above her pay grade-Bloody hell!"

Wren remembered there was a student next to her and flashed a tight smile.

"Don't repeat me, I'm sorry," she crumbled the newspaper. "That woman is...too many more things I cannot say in front of you. Let's get rid of this rubbish."

"Bit extreme. I mean, you and Professor Snape. I don't think anyone even believes or fathoms that here. They'll all focus on me stringing champions along," Hermione crossed her arms. Wren tore the paper in half, offered a piece.

"You first," a ball was tossed and demolished by the eager killer plants. Hermione brightened a little at the sight. "Severus and I are just...friends. Colleagues. Like you and Mr. Potter I'm certain. It wouldn't be Rita's business either way."

"Professor Snape has friends?" The girl winced because it wasn't meant to sound so rude. "Sorry..."

"No, don't worry, he is an extremely difficult man. But, yes, he's friends with plenty on staff. Minerva. Charity. I think I've seen him interact with Filius...at least once." The joke had both girls laughing. "Rita Skeeter is a thorn. Ignore her and just enjoy your school year. The Yule Ball is coming. Dress up and have a nice time."

"Someone did ask me," Hermione clasped her hands after Wren tossed the rest of the paper. "And I said yes. I'm glad they did. I just thought someone else would ask me first."

"They'll miss out," Wren gestured to lead her student out, back to the garden where the rest of the class was chatting in groups. "When you get down to it, the point of the Tournament is about our communities coming together. Friendship. Rita doesn't know a thing about that."

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