010 ❁ Dumb Luck

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A/N: Book 3!! News from Azkaban shakes our couple's world up. TW: Mentions of past torture and heavy drinking. More pining for these two but maybe I'll push them a little closer this year ;) Enjoy and comment below, thanks!

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Summer started off so promising. First month was bliss. Framed in delicate butterflies as Wren frequented her gardens. And after...

"Give me another," Wren pushed a glass forth. The burn still edging her throat.

"Coming right up, love," the bartender didn't dare ask by her grey expression. Or the fact that she'd been in a few times a week. Old habits.

Hogsmeade bustled quieter in summer. Wren always liked it here. Exploring shops. She'd avoid it due to the obvious. The rustic bar she used to come around the time she'd started at Hogwarts.

"'Nother firewhiskey."

Wren caught the drink as it slid over. Gulped the spicy cinnamon burn of it. Glass clicking. She tended the gardens just fine in the morning. Usually ended up here at the pub come nightfall. Stayed too long. The same wrinkled newspaper clutched in her hands.


Pictures of the madman who ruined her life that faithful day in London. Screaming in chains. Wren took another drink. Core quivering.

"Hey there, seen you around," a young man approached. Put his hand on the bar to flirt.

"No," Wren drank.

"Can I buy you one?"


"Just trying to be-"

"No," Wren repeated harder. Embarrassed, he slipped away quick. Moved onto the next lucky lass.

Easier to drink the summer away than relive everything that happened. Everything that scarred her soul. Her body. And summer went too quick. Wasn't long before teachers were appearing. Dumbledore sent her letter after letter that went ignored. Finally, he appeared. Sooner than usual. Knocked on her door one morning.

"Mmmf... " Wren groaned as Hemlock tugged at her collar. Passed out over her desk with an empty bottle. Another knock that had her head pounding worse than daylight. A curse left her lips. "One moment." Wren stumbled into her bathroom. Gargled mouthwash and splashed cool water on her face. She put on a pair of cat-eye sunglasses that were a touch too big. Too obvious. Combed her hair with quick fingers, staggering to the door.

"Wren," Dumbledore scanned her, clearly still in a wrinkled dress from the night before. "Did you get my letters?"


"Did you read them?" He peered from behind his spectacles. Her silence was answer enough. "Minvera tells me you're worrying her."

"Only drinking after hours, sir," she rubbed at her temple. Face pinched in displeasure.

"You realize this cannot follow you into the school year. You beating yourself up."

"Unless they find Black, I'll be pounding my fists bloody," Wren turned to let him inside. "Only a matter of time until he crawled out of that hole."

"Measures have been taken," Dumbledore frowned. "I'm afraid we'll be having guests for the coming term."

Wren narrowed and it dawned on her.

"Dementors near a school. Near the children," she stopped, inhaled before her head shook.

"I understand your fears, they will not approach the school while I am here."

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now