025 ❁ Singing Lotus

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A/N: A new year incoming! Wren and Sev enjoy the summer before classes start. Smut ;D

Comments, recs, and votes continue to mean so so much to me. Thank you!

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Summer sun pulled over the grass. Wren reclined near the water on her robes. Sighed into citrus sweet air. An orange sundress with white dots shifting loose around her knees. Cinching the waist with an old, brown belt. She smoothed out the fabric and tossed a thick braid over her shoulder. Loose wisps of hair shifted around her face. Always so delightfully unkempt.

Wren gleamed under the light, stretching to get up. Bare feet padding the cool grass. She retrieved her shoes.

"Back to work," Wren flicked her wand to pack a cart and send it up the hill. Hemlock caught the braid to climb it with a boost from her hand. Inside the greenhouse, she came to her Singing Lotus. "Alright. Today's the day, my sweet. We can do this."

Hemlock clicked upon her shoulder. Encouraging as always.

The flower unfurled in her palms. Vibrated in wait.

"If I picked a day to sing, I think this sunny evening is lovely enough for it. Don't you agree?"

A rustle.

Wren followed a path to the trees and gardens there. She tested the waters. Sang four notes until the Lotus echoed it in its thrumming. Wind cast in a swirl.

"Yes..." Wren watched the trees come to life too. Shrubbery following. Swaying as she moved about. "Right. Down."

The lotus shook out. A mighty tree closest to her bowed low. Wren was already giddy. She nestled herself on the branch to sit.

"Up," she said again, legs crossing. A vibration shook the earth. The tree lifted her in a swoop. More graceful than the Whomping Willow. Laughter sang high and bright. "I've done it!" Wild cackles of a madwoman sent birds flapping away.

"And here I thought you would be difficult to find," a monotone stilled her. Wren leaned out. Perked to smile. Severus in his usual black clothing. Uncaring of the sun.

"I've unlocked communication between plants and humans! They all laughed at me but who gets to laugh now!" She cast back to keep giggling there in her utter delight. "Right, down."

The branch swung low and sent her tumbling on her bottom. Wren cradled the flower close as Severus stepped near to peer at her. Might have been slightly amused at her feral state.

"The lotus are mature enough. Similar to Mandrakes because I used them in the design. They understand me and they communicate to the others," Wren pushed up until a pale hand was offered. One tug heaved her from the grass.

"You've built yourself army of friends," he mused, earning a nudge. Severus plucked a browning leaf from her hair, following her back toward the greenhouses. His robe gliding behind him.

"I need to make one of my lotus portable. Perhaps, my mother's jewelry designing could come in handy for me," she pondered it. "Do you have any shrinking solution? I could create a small habitat like the flower I gifted you in your office. I'd need to enchant the glass heavily to protect it..." Wren rambled on about her ideas. Back and forth with herself. The lotus cradled close.

Severus liked to watch her. Passionate. Alight and sparking the same as a firework bursting upon a night sky.

"I need to get my friend back into a tank. I'll map the details tonight..." She went on with a coy pause. "After our dinner of course." Wren took in a large breath to catch herself at last. Severus pressed his lips together as she settled the lotus back into the tank. "Let me clean up in my room. I'll meet you just off grounds. After I bid Hagrid farewell."

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