015 ❁ Not One For Goodbyes

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A/N: Severus at the end of this book...oof, my guy. We kinda speed into book 4 but I promise lots of great stuff coming for this couple :)))) Thanks for reading and interaction always means a lot x

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"Keep backing up slow," Wren struggled there against the chill of wind. The sight before her was twisting her gut apart.

Not wanting to hurt Lupin or upset the beast within further with a spell, Wren had caution. Moonlight spilled over them all. Illuminating the space without mercy. Lupin's sickly body crouched on all fours. He crept slowly toward them. A low rumble wove around jagged teeth. She could almost feel the heat of his breath on her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," a spell from Wren's wand knocked him back. The three teens clutching at her clothes. "Back up, easy does it."

Dripping fangs bared at them as he advanced again. A storm cloud of black robes emerged from the Willow.

"There you are, Potter!" Snape didn't see the hungry werewolf behind him in his fury and grabbed at Harry over Wren's shoulder.

"Severus!" Wren clipped out with huge eyes.

Lupin made a feral grumble and Snape spun on his heel. Arms swept the four behind him without another thought. Wren's wand pushed under his grasp to knock the wolf back again as they shuffled backward together. She clutched at Severus's robes. Whimpered.

"I can't do it, I can't hurt him," she uttered.

There was an ugly roar as Lupin charged to swipe. Knocking them all aside. Wren covered Severus with her body and cast a spell that threw the werewolf down the hill so they could gather again. Scrambling to back further and further. Bracing. Wren helped Ron up with Harry. Hermione clutching them both.

"Away!" Snape's back was in front of the group again, arms pushed to cover as much of them as he could. Remus advanced once more before a black dog lunged out. Sirius coming to from his daze. Lupin quickly lost focus to engage a new fight. New prey. Roars in tune. Claws swiping as they rolled about.

"Sirius!" Wren cried forth while they ripped into each other. Teeth baring. Growls echoing. Remus went for the wizards again but Sirius jumped on him for a harsh bite. The smaller dog took off, leading the werewolf away.

"Sirius!" Harry lunged after the dogs to chase them down the hill toward the forest. Calls of his name ignored.

"Come back here, Potter!" Snape grabbed Hermione from pursuing while Wren tried to hold Ron up. She helped the boy back to the rock.

"I got it, I can get them," Wren rushed by Snape, felt his hand latch around her wrist. She spun, looking more confused and scared than anything. Snape hesitated at the sight of her eyes glinting before his wand came up. "Severus-!"

"Stupefy!" Light burst toward her. Sent her into the grass. Knocked into the sea of black.

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Wren twisted with a groan. Eyes cracked. She saw the stone arch ceilings of Hogwarts passing. Lamplight flickered. Severus looming over her. Carrying her down a hallway. Unable to help it, she sank into the dark again. And again.

"...She's coming out, Wren?" The world blurred apart and back together. Madame Pomfrey hovered over her this time, dabbing her temple with a cool cloth. "Welcome back, you took quite a tumble out there-"

"Bastard!" Wren snapped up in bed. Poppy surged back in shock. "Where is he?"

"Miss Valentine!" Ron Weasley was one bed over, his poor leg wrapped up in excess. Harry and Hermione seated on his bed. "She's up!"

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now