033 ❁ Bloody, Heroic Mosaics

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A/N: Enjoy and leave words if you like it. Thank you. 

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   "I knew I loved those Weasley twins, no one's going to forget such an exit," Charity poured tea in the staffroom. Some frank and needed conversations had become a sacred thing inside with Dolores elsewhere.

"Wren, have they solved the swamp issue upstairs?" Flitwick had a smirk as he said that. He or Minerva could have easily remedied it but they liked to watch the old bat struggle.

"No, not at all," she thanked Charity for a hot cup and plucked up the newspaper. "Filch did patch the broom-shaped holes on Umbridge's closet, however. I'll miss those two boys."

"Has anyone checked on Sybill this week?" Minerva stole a seat next to Wren. Checking her wordlessly with an eye sweep. Mood seemed a bit better since the incident.

"Still won't leave her room, poor dear," Pomona cut in with a nod. "Bit tired of that old woman and her questions. She saw a picture of my darling Thea and prattled on about two old women living together. Not as if she understood the obvious."

A chorus of agreeable hums followed.

"Wouldn't want her to," Charity sipped. Through the chatter, Wren caught Severus and his eyes across the way. He flipped through another section of the newspaper she'd shared with him.

"That joke shop was already taking off here by all the...little rebellions from students. Although, Umbridge managed to drop her special torture quills into the swamp," Wren winked, "thanks to me and a little charm." Hemlock tugged on her hair for credit. "Yes, you as well."

"It'll buy us more time as we figure this. That woman cannot stay here. Dumbledore will have a plan. He must." Minerva drank more to calm herself. Outside the door, a cackling Peeves swept by. Off to cause trouble in the missing Weasley twin's place. A few teachers exchanged amused looks. Not lifting a finger to go see what he was up to.

Wren shifted, foot tapping. She hadn't been able to get anything else to the Order with Umbridge's silly screening process on letters. Felt like they were all stuck in time here. Waiting for this mad year to just end.

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Wren stayed in Umbridge's shadow. Tried to make life easier for the kids helplessly studying for the O.W.L.S. Quiet time was welcomed when Umbridge prepped and handled her classes. Wren caught Severus in his open storage room, perched on the ladder in his black frock coat. A beat to admire the lines of him.

"Bet you miss my deliveries," she mused. He gave a slight start and twisted to see her. Black eyes narrowed.

"Not coming in?" He watched her linger in the doorway.

"Little cramped for my tastes," Wren crossed her arms. "I mostly came to boast. Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw. Won the cup."

He scowled at her and turned back to the bottles while she giggled.

"I heard celebrations and was not sure of the outcome," Snape turned to the opposite wall, shifting bottles into their proper place. Magic and by hand just to keep busy. "I'm sure Minerva will have words for me as well. I'll owe her some coins."

"That she will," Wren gave a yawn. "I'll be busier the next few weeks going into the O.W.L.S. Dolores has meetings stacked with Ministry officials. She'll be bothering the teachers about Dumbledore's whereabouts. I'm sure you know what'll be in the tea."

"I might have switched out an ingredient or two with the batch. The details escape me. Such a tricky potion," he paused to lower on the steps for access to another shelf. Wren made a bold move, hurried in and grasped him by the collar. Made him inch around the ladder so she could steal a kiss.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now