018 ❁ Like We Always Do

817 38 13

A/N: Hey everyone! Enjoy. The names are drawn for the tourney! Wren and Sev attempt to reconcile. Thanks everyone and chat with me below!! Don't forget I'm on twitter at aliasbee1 and on tiktok at hunnybee038 xx FYI: I'm moving this week so I might be slow on things but I'll try to be back ASAP with more, don't forget to chatter with me! :)

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It was clear that not one student slept that Monday morning. Everyone orbiting the Goblet as if it were the sun. Watching to see who would bid their names. Classes were filled with the gossip of it all and meals were no quieter.

"Cedric! Come on!" A circle of Hufflepuffs beckoned their classmate from a bench he'd been studying at. Cedric shifting, nerves evident before he smiled bright.

"I'll be along," he packed up slowly. Wren crossed into the courtyard with a pot in her arms. A tree sprouted high above her head adorned in purple fruits. A Shrivelfig. She paused upon seeing Cedric linger to contemplate a slip of paper in his hands.

"Thinking about putting your name in, Cedric?" She watched him jump and flash his darling, apologetic smile. "Nervous?"

"Everyone's telling me I should. Even my parents, my dad, he gets excited. I want to, I think.-"

"I've met him, Amos was always so proud of you," Wren shifted the weight of the pot.

"I guess I'm not sure if I'm... Well, whoever gets it represents the school alongside the others," he shrugged. "Not sure if it should be a Hufflepuff. Erm, that sounds..."

"Hufflepuff is a wonderful house and I'd be proud to have Cedric Diggory represent us. Same boy who goes out of his way to support and help the other students. Even if he isn't taking Herbology this year," Wren winked and he lightened to chuckle. "I think you should settle all the noise aside and just do what you want first. You're in your sixth year and you only have one left after, just make them good ones."

Cedric peered at the paper again as he fiddled with it, encouraged. He gave her a nod. Thanked her before he plucked up his bag to run after his friends. No weight on his shoulders. Truly happy this fleeting hour. He looked back at the Herbology assistant to smile once more. Dazzling young boy.

Wren ducked around corners of excitable students. Made her way into the greenhouses to set the pot inside for a later class. A few rain droplets dotted the glass ceilings. Drizzling harder. Wren let herself smile upon seeing it. Students ran past, using their bags and robes to shield from it.

"Exciting, isn't it? Having the school so full and open," she remarked to Hemlock peering out of her pocket. Wren plucked up a beetle from a jar with tweezers, offering it to her Bowtruckle to eat. Classes were over in a hurry. Everyone flying into the next day. The excitement building over dinner. Even students seemed to eat faster to get to the Goblet's chosen ones.

Teachers stood to chat about the table. The Goblet of Fire and its blue flames flicking in wait. Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman in a huddle with Dumbledore, readied to make the announcements. Wren caught Snape's eyes across the way. Saw him annoyed and avoiding Igor again. He gripped the back of a chair with white knuckles, shifting to speak with Minerva so he could be left alone.

Karkaroff again tried to join the conversation with a crooked smile. Students from all schools mingled before them, making guesses on whose name would come out of the flames. Wren sighed to herself and gave in. She crossed behind Hagrid blushing at Madam Maxine in large strides.

"Professor Snape, might I borrow you? It's about your delivery this Thursday from the greenhouses," she paused, "the Valerians and all."

"Of course, Miss Valentine." Something close to relief washed his expression. He followed Wren off pinching the bridge of his nose. They left the other professors in their prattling. Passed Hooch and Charity. Severus gripped the back of another chair, tension all over his body. Wren leaned into the one next to it.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now