017 ❁ A New Ache

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A/N: Hello again. The start of the tournament draws closer as Wren confronts Severus. Thank you all x Leave some words :)

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Wren toiled. Let the days pass her by. Classes turning the same as autumn leaves falling down. Her brow furrowed in deep thought the entire time. Another period got out as she came out of the second greenhouse, a huge pot perched in her arms with a slithering plant like giant octopus tentacles.

"Here, let me help you carry that," a voice on the other end chimed and Wren craned to see. A friendly smile greeted her.


Always a welcomed sight around the greenhouses outside of class.

"Thank you," she beamed as he took some of the weight off. "Last one. He's gotten too big for his pot. Bit shy though about branching out." Usually Neville laughed at her silly jokes but he was looking elsewhere this evening. "Are you working on some independent study tonight?"

"Yeah, just...getting away. Fresh air and all." They carried the huge pot with the shifting plant down the hill. Toward a patch with more like it. "Flitterblooms."

"Yes. They resemble Devil's Snare. But they're big softies. Great for any wizard's garden. I like to think they scare off predators when you win their loyalty."

"Can I help you plant it?" He smiled a little. The pot was lowered next to the soil patch and Wren shifted into the grass. She waved him to join her.

"I'll need help pulling him out, he's a trouble-maker. So spoiled." Wren saw the plant jostle. "Yes, you. It's time to be with your family, they won't bully you." The plant quivered again. "Come on, out of there. I have some good food ready."

Neville chuckled softer, helped her fight the plant out. It wound around Wren in fear.

"Come on, into the ground with you, you big baby," she wiggled it into place. "Look at all this room you have to grow now. I realize leaving your nest is hard but it's for the best. Don't be shy." They gathered soil around it. Neville paused and kept looking around. "Are you alright?"

"Ah, f-fine."

"Is it Professor Snape?"

"No! He's...He's been a bit more patient. I think."

"Did something happen in one of your classes, Neville?" Wren inquired gently, patting the soil down before her wand flicked to get the watering can hovering over each. Showering her plants in nutrients. Wind shifted while the sky turned a gentle grey. Neville gave this small shrug, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's just...Professor Moody, he's odd. Isn't he?" A beat. "We learned about the Unforgivable Curses this month. In class. He said it would prepare us, and I...I understand. He...He put the imperius curse on all of us. So, we'd see...erm. I shouldn't-"

"No, Neville, that's...extreme," Wren frowned, eyes on the rippling water not far behind them. She swallowed a lump. He was obviously disturbed by what's been displayed in class.

"I've just been thinking about my parents a lot. He cast the cruciatus curse on this animal. I just watched it scream, I couldn't do anything."

"He cast them all in class?" Wren's mouth fell open. "I know he's teaching the Dark Arts, but that's not...-and to fourth years especially. It's alright you're upset, they're an upsetting subject."

"When I was a baby, my parents were tortured by a witch called Bellatrix Lestrange. Do you know of her?" He shifted about, watched the plants slip around before him.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now