031 ❁ Only Human After All

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A/N: Umbridge discovers plots against the Ministry as Wren continues to play for both sides. Leave words if you enjoy the fic. Thanks xx

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   Wren didn't speak of her raw confession. Not a syllable. The words ran down her throat every time she saw Severus. Every time she gave him a smile. Pushed into his arms which was a rare thing these days with their obligations pulling them different directions.

A colorful tabloid slapped down before Wren in the staffroom one seemingly quiet morning. Sent Hemlock scrambling into her pocket. She reared back into her seat. Colleagues startled. An angry Dolores was looking down at her.

"Have you seen this filth!" That squeaky voice shrilled. Wren blinked a few times. It was too early for this.

"I..." She stuttered in a way that was unlike herself. Snape and Minerva exchanged looks from the corner near a steaming pot. Every conversation cut.

"Use those big, stupid eyes you have and open it, Wren," Dolores tore it open before Wren could even try. "Look."


"The Quibbler," Wren cut over Minerva's attempt.

"Finally, some sense," the old bat snapped, "I assume you can read as well."

"Dolores," Charity was on her feet, "do not speak to her that way."

"Stay out of this, your sad excuse for a class is on thin ice as it is," Umbridge pointed. Minerva and Severus both shifted forward in stiff response. Wren was too busy scanning as everyone snipped at each other. She suppressed a curse. And some pride. Harry spoke out against the Ministry. About Cedric. About Voldemort's clear return.

"I was not aware of this," Wren tried not to cringe. "If I'd known-"

"I give you a few simple tasks to watch these filthy children and this gets out! Do you have any idea of the damage it could have done?" Umbridge waved her arms about. If she had her wand, she'd be lashing it. "I took you under my wing. Gave you so much opportunity because you showed promise and this is what I get? The Ministry will have order. I will have order!"

"Then, we'll draft a new decree immediately," Wren spoke before anyone else could. She got to her feet, rolling the tabloid up. Too many eyes on her. Dolores sneering.

"You are too soft, Miss Valentine. Maybe it was a mistake-"

"Any student found in possession of this article..."

"I don't care to hear your-"

"...will be immediately expelled!" Wren blurted and sucked in air. Dolores paused. Head tilted before a smile crossed her pink face. Wide and bright. Made Wren's gut twist. She'd never had a part in the decrees. Just parroted her support for them. The sudden frost erupted up her spine as she sank deeper into the wrong side.

"That seems extreme," Minerva came to them.

"Why I believe it's necessary," Dolores turned, pointing to her right as if Wren were a hound that could do all sorts of tricks. Sit. Stay. Shake. Smile. Simple wider. "Come. We have work to do this morning."

Keeping her head high was difficult as Wren crossed. The paper still crushed into her fists. Severus watched her go, offering the slightest nod of approval because she'd done something well even if it felt wicked. Wren swallowed bile following Umbridge, staring at her back. Hating her more and more.

The sign was bashed into the wall with the rest. Wren was surprised the entire thing hadn't crumbled down. Dolores was still smiling as she turned to her faithful assistant.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now