006 ❁ The Potions Master

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A/N: Hey hey, enjoy and interact with the fic however if you like it. I'm Hunnybee038 on tiktok and Aliasbee1 on twt.

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The school year kicked off with a bang. Literally. Potter and Weasley crashing a Flying Ford Anglia into the Whomping Willow. Missing the first meal and almost exposing their world to muggles. Wren snatched up the newspaper and raced down the castle, catching Snape as he still laid into the boys after locating them. She scanned the room as he stood to point at the children, fury alight upon his expression.

"Watch them while I retrieve McGonagall," his robes billowed before she could get a word in. Wren made a face and crossed over as Snape's door slammed.

"Is the Willow alright?" Her too-quiet voice surprised no one.

"The tree!" Ron squeaked, red in the face.

"Well, I see you both sitting just fine more or less. You have all your limbs and eyes. Haven't seen the poor tree yet," she gestured before plucking her wand out to light the fireplace in his office. Muttering. "Honestly, he's intent to freeze his students down here."

"Hello, Miss Valentine," Harry piped up warily.

"Good to see you both, considering. What happened?" Wren crossed her arms, dropping the copy of the story on Snape's desk.

"The platform wouldn't open to us so we...erm, found another way in," Ron winced.

"I see," Wren narrowed, head shaking.

"Why did you run down here?"

"I was escaping a colleague and saw the story in the staffroom, just needed to...tell someone but looks like Professor Snape already saw it first and tracked you down," Wren frowned. "Chin up now."

"My mum's gonna kill me," Ron buried his face. Let Wren pat his shoulder. She didn't deny that part.

"What colleague were you escaping?" Harry's head cocked while footsteps echoed down the hallway.

"Ah...you'll see soon enough," she winked, finger to her lips. "I'll see you both in class tomorrow." Wren slipped out after Minerva was shown in with Albus. Didn't stay to see whatever punishment was cast and instead met with Sprout to discuss the damage down to the old Whomping Willow.

Repairs would be made in the morning prior to classes. Autumn sun glimmering the castle grounds.

"Poor baby," Wren had lamented as the tree shook out. Leaves tumbled in one swoop. Bark twisted and broken in places. Branches splintered. Pomona came to her side with the dressings and wands rose to doctor the ancient tree. Students gathered a safe distance watching as they put many branches in slings. Wren tutted and cooed, patting the bark while she worked as if it were a baby.

"Alright, alright, everyone! We'll be in greenhouse three for our classes today," Sprout called out to herd their students off, leaving Wren with all the leftover bandages. Neville smiled bright at the sight of her crossing and she winked, stopping only as a flash of turquoise breezed forth. Lockhart.

"Good morning, lovely. You know I was just telling Sprout this morning about how she could repair that damage correctly. I'm sure it was useful, no thank you necessary. I don't consider myself a better Herbologist, I've just met some people..."

The prattling git wouldn't move from the greenhouse Wren was trying to get into so she could empty her arms.

"...I realize you're a woman of few words, but just know I have read every single signal with deft ease," he continued with his teeth glittering. Students whispered as they filed into greenhouse three nearby. Sprout stood at the door glaring. "I wondered if you'd accompany me to Hogsmeade for a drink sometime. Just you and I at a private table. Firelight. A little music."

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