023 ❁ Better Than Nothing

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A/N: :))))))))))))) Sorry, in advance, loves. We're reaching the end of GoF so we know what's coming! With the final task upon them, everything as they know it is about to change. Enjoy and don't forget to rec, leave words, or click that vote button. Thanks!

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Wren fumed this day. Tried not to splash trudging through the water. A tank floating behind her. Always work to be done so she simmered.

"Alright, time to move, darlings," she felt the sun in her hair barely with a stiff breeze sweeping. Collected her Singing Lotus flowers so they could thrive somewhere safer. Closer to the greenhouses with other plants.

"Madame Maxine and Professor Sinistra say you gave the Headmaster another earful this morning," Severus had paced along the rocks above. Barely five minutes later. Black robes swept in a way that was graceful. Wren didn't look up but felt his shadow loom. It was a strange comfort to see it next to hers against the water ripples.

"No word on Hemlock. On my work. Starting to think it's a dead end. Moody assures me he's searched every inch of the castle for clues," Wren blew a strand from her face. "I was just frustrated and venting to Albus. It's...not his fault. Not this. We talked for a long while actually."

"I see."

"He asked me if I wanted to take up the Professor title next year. I wouldn't be taking over, just splitting classes with Pomona. She signed off on it as well. I dunno," Wren shifted around the water. Wand in one hand and her skirt hiked up in the other. Severus wondered briefly if the slight chill bothered her.

"Not interested in the shift?" His steps followed her above. Tanks were put carefully on a wheeled cart. Another shifted forth to collect a different genus for later classes.

"I suppose that I just like what I do now. Don't care if I'm still just a Miss to the school. I love our kids and teaching them, but I like the quiet to focus on the plants as well. Not sure if I'm just signing more away agreeing and I told him that. He seemed to understand, I think it's his attempt to let me feel as though I'm branching. No pun intended," Wren flashed a smile in his direction. Squinting barely to make out the lines of her lover against the bright blue-grey of the sky. "He asked me something else."


"It was something you hinted at. A 'when the time comes' sort of question," she paused, "I accepted that. Not many details. I just...I think I'm better served for whatever comes next for this school if I'm sort of behind the scenes. People underestimate me, Severus. Obnoxious as that is. There's a freedom in that even when I'm biting back."

The last tank filled and was loaded up. Wren shook out onshore then cast a spell to clean up. She got her shoes and socks back on, feeling out for her robes behind her as she balanced to clasp a boot buckle. Severus came around to meet her upon the grass.

"Singing Lotus?" He turned his attention to one of the tanks, watched the petals almost vibrate with hymns.

"My mother loved lotus flowers. Sort of a personal thing. And my father sang. I've had some trouble developing them. Life isn't as long as I'd like but getting stronger. Observe." She bent down and drew her fingers along the glass. Gave a whistle.

Petals unfurled further. Echoed the same tone.

Wren inhaled, let a few harmonizing notes free. Four total. An angelic sound he remembered from the school choir years ago. The humming from the flowers lifted. Mirrored here again in a more harrowing version of the sound that overlapped.

They both perked as the wind picked up. Trees rusted together. The same tune barely tapped between them all. Roots shifting. Even the grass came alive. Clapping, Wren bounced in place.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now