034 ❁ Magnificent Tremors

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A/N: Enjoy. Please leave words if you like the story. Please don't push me for updates, I'm sorry. 

Wren comes across one of her ghosts for a showdown we all waited for. Another return shakes the Wizarding World apart. End of book five.

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   All Wren knew was fire. Whipping and licking at her soul. Cold flames crackling high. Blinding her. She didn't dare close her eyes. A mighty gust of wind cast. Wings outstretched. The flames turned orange. White. Bright green.

She could hear Fawkes' heart drumming in her ear. Beating as quickly as her own. A cry of valor and battle. A sweet lullaby her mother and father would sing when the days were long and rainy. Clutched close with two clawed feet, Fawkes swopped out of the flames. Over a wailing of wizards and witches scrambling all directions. The sleek halls of the dearest Ministry. Alright with cries. Fires on every falling banner.

Wren had her arms taunt around Fawkes' neck. Tucked close to his vibrant belly. He gave a call that vibrated the world around her. Intent eyes. Wand tight in her fist with Hemlock low in her pocket.

Dumbledore sent her off early to join the Order. A battle building on every corner. Fawkes swerved. Swooped low and high about the halls that were wailing like banshees. Wren breathed heavier with darting eyes. Looking for anyone familiar. Flashes of light whizzed when they slashed into a shaking room of cragged rocks. A great archway and whispering veil at the center.

"There!" Wren urged as Fawkes braced to let go. A flurry of stunning Gryffindor colors rained across the air. Crimson and gold illuminating before Wren dropped upon a boulder. Wand slashing to still a spell directed at Harry and Neville on the ground behind her. A cry echoed out and two furious beams of light crashed together.

Dust settled and the Death Eater there rose to full height, slipping his mask off to smile. Just so she could see those piercing eyes for the first time in these short years. That gaunt face hitched a bright, manic smile. Dirty teeth crushed together in glee as shaggy hair shook out.

"Wren Valentine!" Came the sing-song booming.

Antonin Dolohov and her were locked in dueling poses. A moment she knew would come. Wren's wand over her head with her free hand out defensively. Robes and hair swishing when Fawkes circled her again with rare ferocity to rise. Decorating the air above them in Wren's building fury and grace.

"How's my best girl been? Alright, princess?"

Wren's head cocked down. Lips lifting for him.

"Better than you, Antonin." Wren stepped forth to slash. "Expulso!" Blue light exploded from her wand, sending him across the way back into stone. Crashing down. "Alright, Harry? Neville?" The boys pushed up. Dirty and bloodied but seemingly okay as Sirius skidded to join them.

"You're late, Wren!" He charged over the fighting. A spell cast behind her to assist Kingsley and Remus. Tonks and Moody were rushing across the way, dueling and apparating about with their attackers.

"Still got here, didn't I, Sirius?" Wren pressed his hand and nodded to the boys, sprinting to go help Luna off the floor. Hermione and Ginny hurried to her. Ron was sent back to the stone near them.

"Help him!" Wren urged. "Go with the others and stay down." She dashed up, climbing up the rocks to meet Tonks. Backs together they cast bursts of multicolored lights.

"Good to see you." Tonks nudged her with one elbow.

"Right." Wren snapped to see Dolohov coming at her again. He bent two fingers to beckon her forth as if enthralled. Amused. She grit her teeth. She and Lupin both sent spells that he blocked.

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