005 ❁ Language of Love

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A/N: Hey, loves. Shorter chapter as we go into Chamber of Secrets. Enjoy and let me know if you like the story ^_^ Lockhart hilarity incoming.

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They healed. Days crept along and the story spread. Young Harry Potter bested Lord Voldemort's shadow. And the school would be requiring a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Snape stewed in another rejection of the cursed position.

Wren was back to silence. Only smiling when her colleagues asked how she was. Story spread that she'd fought and lived against Voldemort's servant. Survived a terrible curse. Neville Longbottom staggered into the greenhouses one class period with a kind card he'd made and a cauldron cake. Wren was touched, even deducting points from the student who bullied him for it.

"Professor Valentine," Harry approached one afternoon on their last class. Wren was kneeling in dirt, plucking up weeds with flicks of her wand. Fighting the stronger roots with slightly worn hands. Intent to purge the gardens. "I wanted to speak earlier. Are you alright? They told me Quirrell...he got you. That night."

"I'm alright but I should be asking you that, Mr. Potter," Wren's voice was awkward from not being used much. She cleared her throat. Sighed. "Miss is fine. Not a Professor. Though it does have a nice ring."

"Why won't Dumbledore make you a Professor? You do all that Sprout does," he came to her side. All curiosity.

"He's offered and I just like to reject him," she made it sound like half a joke, plucking up another harsh weed to toss it. "Really, I just prefer what I'm doing. Right now. No use to change it up with a new title."

"Your teachings with Sprout helped us that night. Some people weren't sure if you would come back next year?"

"Ah, that so? No, I don't lose to cowards. Hogwarts is my home. It's yours as well now," she came up on her knees to smile soft, wand clasped in her fingers. "I am here as long as I am needed. And our students will always have me in their corner."

Harry beamed in return. Wren's face gentled with a change of tone after studying him.

"I lost my family at the end of the war. When the ashes were still warm and settling. Almost lost myself too. I told myself after I'd get lost in work. Not get close. I figured I couldn't be hurt if there was no one left that I loved," Wren scoffed at herself. "I certainly tried to tell myself that."

"Yes," he seemed to understand that even in his youth.

"But I was wrong, and I'm still learning that every day I am here among all these great witches and wizards," she sighed, turned back to her blooming flowers that needed protection from the weeds budding. The colors came alive there. "What we build together will be truly important. And it will last beyond any battle to come. So I will be here. Call it duty if you will, I just think it's a promise I'm finally ready to make. Plus...when I see weeds threatening my children, I can't help but pluck them up."

Hemlock perked up from her shirt pocket. Waved his little arm at Harry until he laughed.

"Now, Harry, your only job left this year is to enjoy the last meal with your friends. Go on."

"See you next term," Harry glittered as he raced off to rejoin the class groups.

Wren let Hemlock slide down her arm to chase a nearby bug. The sun gleamed in sparkling rays. Followed them to the end of the year where Gryffindor stole the house cup. Through applause and the calling of the Hogwarts Express, Wren found peace.

"You're not trying to quit this year, Wren," Dumbledore joined her at the front of the castle as she bid Pomona farewell. Traveling robes buttoned up his front. Wren narrowed to shrug. "For the first time."

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