012 ❁ A Unique Beauty

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A/N: Wren and Sev creep closer and closer here as a stormy Quidditch game goes awry. Lupin gets a front row seat to the dummies flirting. Thanks for reading and feel free to chatter below.

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A roaring thunderstorm overtook the beginning of November. Matched the attitude Snape and Lupin had for each other in passing. Severus' glares made sense after a rumor about Lupin's Boggart lesson swept the school. The staffroom was an ugly place to be with them wandering after that. Wren heard it from Neville himself during a study period where he was shaking over a Potions book. More terrified of Snape than ever.

The staffroom got worse after that with her charging to defend her favorite student. Built Snape's ire as he closed off instead. Always looking heated in Lupin's direction at meals. Odd way to take some pressure off Harry as the looks were usually reserved for him.

"Alright, Remus?" Wren cornered him after classes as the thunder pounded beyond the stone walls. "Heard you missed some classes. Taking ill?"

"Ah, just not feeling my best. Severus was happy to step in for my classes. Or...his form of happy."

"I'm sure," she stepped close to the windows to see the rain pouring. "Going to the Quidditch game?"

"Sitting this one out to plan my coming class periods. I have work to catch up on but I hope you enjoy it."

"Yes, I usually work through them but...not much to do with the rain so heavy. I'm ahead with my plants this year," Wren stepped aside to continue toward the students roaming the next hallway. "Feel better, Remus."

She touched his arm with a pretty smile. Bright and full like the glimmering moon beyond the storm. Remus returned it with a bashful look. Glanced at a flurry of black stomping away behind them. Wren followed his eyes to watch Severus disappear around the far corner. A sigh pulled with her smile dimming.

"I appreciate it, Wren. I'll be myself again soon." Lupin watched her go before he headed in the opposite direction. Wren pulled her hood up, Hemlock rusting in the pocket of her robes. Heat prickled upon her face as excitement pulled across the castle grounds.

Through the sea of banners and students chirping like excited birds, Wren climbed to the higher seating where the staff and visitors sat. The area shielded from the rain as it misted all their faces. Lightning fizzed across the sky and Wren came to the front corner, head craned to see the foggy world below. Grey skies perfectly overcast as the storm built. Higher and higher. Two teams readied below. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

Seated, Wren rubbed her hands together. Heard the steps before her head tilted. Snape quickly looked away, hoping for a different open seat but she'd already caught him staring. Some of his fury faded because she softened at him.

"Severus," she tested lightly. He blinked at her, shoulders tipping lower.


Snape tried not to think about her smile and her hand on Lupin's arm. That cursed hand he'd kissed so fondly. The burn of her still upon his lips. He loomed in his outdoor attire. A long, old overcoat that had been burnt then repaired at the bottom and a black scarf to match with fingerless gloves. His eyes slid to the open bench next to her again.

"You can sit if you're feeling civil," Wren's hands clasped in her lap as if she still felt his mouth brushing her knuckles. Snape took the invite and scooted down. More staff came up into the stands. McGonagall and Dumbledore both arrived and shared a higher seat two rows above them.

"You'll be glad to know I've kept my silence. Or eased up as you put it."

Her vocabulary was more colorful.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now