027 ❁ Cure For Me

590 31 38

The first feast of year five starts with a new teacher we all love to hate entering the school ;PTW: Um let's just say Umbridge and her bigot brain.

**Thanks for reading and please leave some words if you're enjoying x

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The Great Hall bustled with students. Ready for the coming sorting ceremony. Wren crept away from the back door when she saw a familiar smile. Neville rushed to hug her.

"Good holiday?" She beamed, eyes on the plant in his arm. He nodded, too excited to introduce her. "That's a Mimbulus Mimbletonia! They're so hard to find, how did you get one?"

A bulbous cactus cooed, shifting about as Neville held it to her in the pot. Hemlock peeking from her pocket to see.

"Got it for my birthday from my great uncle!"

"It's fantastic, be careful prodding it," she watched him crack a guilty smile.

"Already had a mishap on the train," they both chuckled. Albus was coming out so Wren gestured.

"Enjoy the meal, can't wait for classes." Teachers were rounding the table so she joined them. Slipping into a chair between Minerva and Snape. Eyes scanning. Finally, she spotted it. A horrific shock of pink strutting forth.

Wren nudged Severus' arm and saw him follow her gaze before grimacing. He snapped away as the woman crossed to sit next to him. Bit funny to see them lined up so contrasting.

An older lady, short and decorated like a teapot. Something sickly sweet in her expression. Dumbledore introduced her in the announcements after the ceremony.

"We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher...Professor Dolores Umbridge. And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck," a few sparse claps followed Dumbledore's gesture. "Tryouts for the House Quidditch teams will also take place-"

A squeaky 'ahem' gave Albus pause. He turned slowly in surprise. Saw Umbridge stand to come around with a smile creeping. Wider with each clacking step. Severus and Minerva exchanged looks over Wren. Years of annoying Professors draining them at this point.

"Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome... And how lovely to see all your bright...happy faces smiling up at me." Her grin beamed, met with various flat looks of confusion and discomfort from students. She crossed in front of Albus at the podium, hands clasped to gush. Even the first years seemed unsettled by her. "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

"I miss Lockhart," Wren said under her breath. Severus nudged her that time, amused and chiding. "No, I really think we didn't appreciate what we had with him."

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance," Dolores continued in her fake giggly way. "Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school...progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged."

"I'm picking up drinking again," Wren muttered, Severus's hand found her thigh under the table which was bold for him.

"You are not," he saw her hands clasp before the empty plates. Back taut.

"Let us preserve what must be preserved...perfect what can be perfected...and prune practices that ought to be prohibited," Umbridge had no end in sight as she prattled on. Students began to squirm around. Rested and starving.

"On second thought, two drinks," Severus paused, "and whatever you wish."

Wren caught herself from laughing right there between awkward pauses. She peered at him, saw him staring ahead. Face unchanged. Dolores finally finished her speech and Wren hoped summer vacation was closer at least. The pink demon strutted back to her seat. More confused claps followed at Dumbledore's beckoning.

a soft place to fall  // Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now