016 ❁ Breeding Monsters

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A/N: Book four, y'all! It's here and SO much goes down so enjoy. Thank you guys so much! Highkey...I love writing fake!Moody...? I didn't expect that going into this book. Please chat below! xoxo

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"Strange to be back this year after such a long holiday?" Minerva reached for a dish of potatoes. Cutlery clinking all over the room after the Sorting Ceremony. Wren dug into a sizable shepherd's pie.

"Pomona and I spent all of yesterday in the greenhouses prepping. Came back to me well enough," Wren sipped some pumpkin juice. "Spent a lot of time experimenting with a new genus. Ireland is full of exciting discoveries."

"I always wished you had this same fondness for Transfiguration."

"Sorry to say it wasn't my best subject," Wren jested lighter. Aware of Snape's eyes flicking from Minerva's opposite side.

"Yes, yes, Slughorn and Sprout stole my Gryffindor away," McGonagall gestured with her fork.

"Working on floral hybrids. Inhaling their pollen or eating the leaves and petals to afflict similar potion effects. Nothing dangerous of course. Not yet."

Minerva gave this gentle hum with her goblet in hand before she sipped.

"I did manage this silly one that gives a person instant laughter," Wren poked at her dish, "perhaps Professor Snape could test it out for me sometime soon. His disposition will be a real exam."

"Testing my poisons this year will be more pleasant, Miss Valentine," came the flat tone from McGonagall's side.

"Whatever makes you happy," Wren looked out at students. Eyes lifting to the bewitched faux sky and stars. Candles bobbling. A spark shot from the depths, startling the kids below. Lightning clapped. Mirroring a budding storm outside as the main doors clanged open.

"It's him," Charity muttered from Wren's other side. "Mad-Eye Moody."

Soaking wet, he hobbled in like he owned the place. Students went silent with wide-eyed stares. He came to the head table and took the last open seat.

"May I introduce," Dumbledore rose, "our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Professor Moody."

Almost no one clapped. An awkward tension in the air as Moody's big blue eye darted. Seeming to explore the entire room that chattered before him. The meal resumed, conversations picked up. Wren excused herself early, needing to finish some unpacking in her chambers.

"Good to be back," she whispered to Hemlock on the way, "considering."

Her chambers and its many plants were an instant comfort as the night sky settled. Clearing around the glow of a crescent moon. Wren opened her shoulder bag and flicked her wand. Chaos resumed as too many objects clamored out at once. Tanks of new plants with special lamps settled along her sidewall. Clothing hung up in the closest. Bottles of countless ingredients came to shelves. Everything in some order.

"Here you are, love," Wren let Hemlock down to his perch. Cracked her window for some fresh air that was needed. A lengthy sigh fell. In the corner where she worked her potions and experiments, Wren set up her old cauldron to heat. Sifted through carefully labeled jars before she was sorting them out.

"Lavender, Flobberworm Mucus...where are my...herbs, ah," she felt for another jar. "Valerian Sprigs."

A knock perked her from a mortar and pestle she clicked down on the table.

"Come in," Wren continued without looking up. Inhaling sharper. Another sigh. "I'm certain you have morning classes to prepare for, Professor Snape." Her head lifted, noticing him scanning the ingredients.

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