A Dance Party

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You and Aang invited over a lot of the school to come over for a dance party. Everyone was amazed at the fast music that pulsed through the cave. Nobody moved for a bit of time till Aang and Kat danced, then everyone danced too. Including Toph and Sokka who were really extreme dancers. Like, REALLY extreme.  You sat at a table nibbling on some food giggling to yourself about how Toph's wedding dance floor would be like. You even snorted when you thought about taking Toph dress shopping. You walked out of the cave and over to the nearby ocean looking into it's waters when you saw the light reflect off of something. You reached your arm into the ocean grabbing whatever it was and you knew what it was instantly. It was Zuko's Blue Spirit mask. You inhaled sharply before setting the mask back in the water.

"HEY YOU!" You heard the boy Aang showed up shouted at you. You walked over to him and the guards and teacher.

"Hotaru. Where is Kuzon and his parents?" The teacher asked you sternly.

"They saw you coming and left, not wanting to blinded by your ugliness." You snapped. One of the guards grabbed your arm to tightly.

"That was unacceptable Hotaru Fire. That's right I know you are Kuzon's brother." The teacher tsked as they guards grip tightened on your arm.

"Let. Me. GO" You yelled hoping Aang would run. The guard tightened his grip on you even more.

"You are a non bender. How could you ever hurt us?" The guard hissed. You shrugged yanking away so the guards arm was at full length and karate chopped it so he would let go it work and you ran into the crowd.  You started to hand out headbands secretly and quickly. Soon you and the gaang were able to escape.

"As much fun as that was, I don't think I would ever really like school. EVER." You announced while you were floating above the clouds. You looked over the edge of the saddle watching the land move below you. You hummed happily to yourself.

"(YN), are you okay?" Sokka asked you suddenly.

"Yeah why?" You answered looking to him with a raised eyebrow.

"You seem really happy." Toph said carefully. You sighed and flopped into the saddle.

"Yeah well anyways, so while I stayed in Ba Sing Se what happened?" You asked.

"SOKKA GOT DRUNK OFF OF CACTUS JUICE!" Toph said suddenly. You burst out laughing.

"We were in the middle of a desert and I was thirsty, okay?" Sokka protested making you laugh even harder.

"Appa was stolen after we got out the library in said desert." Katara spoke softly answering the question you were about to ask.

"It was my turn to pick a vacation spot and therefore I deserve to drink whatever mysterious liquids inside mysterious plants I feel like." Sokka burst out. You laughed again.

"We saw Zuko in Ba Sing Se." Katara said softly.

"Yeah he and Iroh owned a tea shop in the upper ring. I saw them once, right before Jet attacked me and Zuko. I got kicked out of course for hiding in the rafters from my brother but I went into the Avatar state and nearly blew up the tea shop." You told. Aang looked at you his eyes wide after you said Avatar state.

"But only the avatar can go into the avatar state." Aang trailed.

"I guess I'm just as much Avatar as you are." You shrugged Aang grinned.

"I like it. Finally not being the last of something. I'm not the last avatar, I'm not the last air ender. It's nice." Aang said happily.

"What happened while I was out?" Aang asked suddenly.

"(YN) KISSED ZUKO. AGAIN." Toph shouted. You smacked her arm.

"We ran into him in a small town where he was helping the people." Katara explained for you.

"Anything else?" Aang asked raising an eyebrow.

"TOKKA!!!!" You and Katara squealed.

"What in Sozin's name is that?" Aang asked he looked at you in horror and shock.

"Toph and Sokka are engaged. After Ozai goes down they are getting married at one of the Air Temples." You explained sighing at the dreamy  wedding you and Katara were planning.

"Wait, I'm the best man, though right?" Aang asked Sokka with a grin on his face.

"I'm trying to decide between you or Momo or Appa.." Sokka joked. You all laughed before going to land to set up camp.

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