The Dragons

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You all sat around a fire on ember island where Zuko said it was safe or us to stay since The Western Air Temple was too obvious. Sokka thought it was brilliant to hide right under the fire nation's nose. You all gathered around a little fire you had started to discuss Aang's fire bending.

"Guy's I have a confession..." Zuko trailed. You looked at him raising an eyebrow.  "I may or may not have lost my fire bending." He said rubbing the back of his neck. You took in a sharp breath in shock, you had a feeling this would happen.

"Wait, your telling us that you mean to teach Aang fire bending but you can't fire bend?" Katara asked for clarification. Zuko flopped onto the dirty ground groaning in defeat. You rubbed soothing circles on his chest as he lay his head in your lap.

"I think he lost the energy of where his fire bending came form, it used to be anger and frustration but now that he travels around with you all and is your friend that source is now gone." You explained now running your hands through his thick dark brown hair.

"You sound like Uncle now." Zuko hummed in amusement making you smile at him.

"So how does he get his mojo back?" Sokka asked you his arm around Toph's shoulders. Katara and Aang were sitting close to each other but not close enough for your fan girl needs. You just wanted to smash their faces together.

"I think I need to find the original fire bending masters. But they are all extinct." Zuko sighed.

"Like Bagermoles are the original earth bender. They taught me every thing and I turned out to be a great earth bender." Toph said.

"And Sky Bison are the original air benders." Aang added.

"And Yue is the original water bender!" Sokka shouted. He earned himself a punch in the arm from Toph.

"Dragons are the original fire benders and my grandpa Sozin was the one who killed the last one." Zuko sighed, you tensed up at the mention of  Sozin. He was your past life after all.

"Sozin was my past life." You said quietly.

"Maybe you can connect to him and ask for help." Aang suggested. You moved Zuko's head from your lap and began to breath and focused on one thing and one thing only Sozin. You were more than shocked to find yourself on a dragon above an old civilization and nearby you could see your camp. You looked and saw Sozin smiling at you.

"Sozin, is this where the dragons are?" You asked, Sozin nodded.

"This place will provide Zuko and Aang with lots of knowledge about the dragon's. But you must go with them, your presence will sooth the dragons into showing Aang and Zuko the ways of fire bending." Sozin spoke you nodded and then woke up. You saw the gaang and smiled.

"I know where the dragons are." You said.

The next day you, Zuko, and Aang all left traveling through the forest till you came upon the Sun Warriors temples. Together you made your way through the maze over booby traps and saw a building that seemed important. You motioned for the guys to come over to the building. You talked them into doing the dance while you stood outside you watched them giggling when Zuko came past the doorway and made a goofy face at you. But then a bunch of goo filled the room and you panicked climbing to the top of the building. You ran and saw Zuko and Aang face first up in goo. You must have looked panicked because Zuko panicked.

"Zu, calm down. I'm sure some one will help you." You said brushing his hair form his eyes and kissing his forehead. Sure enough a minute later a bunch of Sun Warriors came. The guards yanked you away from them and they held you.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!!" Zuko and Aang shouted, the sun warriors chuckled. I inhaled a sharp breath when a knife was put to your throat. You began to panic when Zuko and Aang were freed and they saw you with the knife.

"let's go, you must meet the masters so they can decide if you are worth saving." The fat guy that must have been the king said as they lead you all to the main temple with out a knife at your throat you watched as they stood in the middle of some tunnels. The ground began to shake as dragons came from the tunnels. You yanked out of the guard's grip and raced over to them watching as they did the sun dance. Then they were engulfed by flames of many colors. When the flames died down the blue dragon left but the red one stayed. You reached your hand out stroking the dragon as it nudged you happily wrapping around you as if in a hug before going to it's tunnel. Everyone stared at you amazed while you just stood there and shrugged.

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