The Painted Lady Part. 1

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You walked next to the horribly polluted river while Aang SWAM in it. It was gross. You walked next to the stream because you were sick of sitting on your butt and wanted to stretch out your legs from flying.  Aang leapt from the water sending the river gunk all over the place. You scrunched up your nose using the little air bending you knew to get it off of you. You helped them get Appa put of the river and when you took refuge in a small hidden area you all wanted to go to the village for food. You remember visiting the village with Zuko when you wanted to stop the factory from being built. It didn't really work out. You walked over the hill.

"Where exactly is this village?" Toph asked Sokka held her hand intertwining their fingers. You and Katara both let out squeaks of excitement.

"It's a fishing town so it's in the middle of a lake area." You explained shaking off the feeling that something is gonna go wrong. You lead them across a small hill to the dock.

"Hello strangers! Where do you come from?" The old man at the dock greeted happily.

"I'm no stranger Dock. But we come from the Earth Kingdom Colonies." You greeted with a grin. Dock's smile increased by a lot.

"(YN)! The town talks about you all the time now, they'll be so happy to know that you are back." Dock grinned letting you and your friends into the boat. He paddled his way through the polluted water. You sat next to Dock looking at him with sad eyes.

"It hasn't gotten better has it?" You whispered. Dock looked at you shaking his head. You focused on the village that was coming into view. You leapt from the boat before it stopped rocking on the docks. Everyone was hungry and sad. Then one little kid noticed you.

"EVERYONE SHE'S BACK!" He cried out running full speed at you, he leapt into your arms happily. You lifted the boy into the air hugging him happily. Soon you were surrounded by kids and their parents all of them hugging you and shouting questions.

"Are you gonna save us?" One little girl shouted her doll in her hands.

"I'm going to try, I brought friends who are gonna help too." You smiled kindly. Sokka raised an eyebrow while Katara smiled and waved. Aang waved with his huge cheesy grin making everyone laugh. Toph stood close to Sokka confused.  You stood from your crouched position a little kid on both your hips and one on your back.

"You guys go get food, I will stay here and help. I'll stay in town for the night." You told them. They all nodded in agreement. All the little kids followed you as you went to the center of town. You sat and they all sat around you. You told them stories about the north pole and Kyoshi Island. One little girl raised her hand when you were done telling them the story of how you and Aang met.

"Is that kid with the hair really the avatar?" She asked innocently. You remembered how Aang was supposedly dead.

"No, the Avatar was shot down by a girl name Azula. I am the new Avatar, I was

Aang's understudy in case anything ever happened to him and when something did happen I became the Avatar." You explained sadly. The little girl started clapping and soon every kid started to clap. You looked around and sat Dock taking the gaang back to the shore.

"Where are you gonna sleep?" They all asked.

"I'm going to help not sleep, but you all should go home." You explained. They all groaned but went home. You pulled stuff from your bag, you used water bending to make an ice mirror. Knowing Katara she would turn into someone important like the Painted Lady so you went for another spirit in their lore. The Water Woman. You used some blue charcoal making the marking across your face and arms. You lined your eyes with silver and wore right red lipstick. You pulled your hair into a high ponytail and let blue and silver mesh cascade over your face and arms. The first thing you did to help was going to the factory. You stole half of their food and waited for Katara. She showed up shocked to see you. Together you brought the baskets and barrels down to the town. You left one basket on each door step and the barrels and leftover baskets on the docks. By the time Katara turned you were gone.

The next morning everyone was happy and jumping around playing. It made you smile. The gaang came back confused except for you and Katara. Kids ran around them singing songs happily. Kat grabbed your arm and dragged you off behind a building.

"Tonight we heal the sick." She whispered.

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