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This part will be three things. A Tokka wedding. A Kataang Wedding, and you and Zuko's wedding. ENJOY!

You couldn't help but grin as she walked down the isle.  Her ebony black hair hung around her shoulders, straightened and hanging to her mid back. Her little pale feet peeking out from under her beautiful green dress with each step. Little 3 year old Lin walking in front of her, Sokka and Toph are now getting married after 4 years of waiting the 16 year old earth bender is marrying a councilman of Republic City who is only 18. Toph couldn't hold back her grin either as little Lin toddled over to you, you stood with Katara in the front of the crowd with Suki, Ty Lee, and Mai. You and Katara were the maids of honor wearing identical brown dresses. (Link to the Dresses: While Suki, Ty Lee, and Mai wore The venue was in the swamp. You and Katara had cleared out an area with the swamp benders, brought in white chairs that had floral wood working and set them up, we placed arrangements of blue and green roses at the end of each row. The isle itself was a like a red carpet down the center between the sets of chairs except it was entirely white, blue, and green flower petals all packed together on the ground. The arch itself was silver with teal lilies woven around it. Circular light hung above us to illuminate the scene and people found their way here by following the strings of lights and symbols of the earth and water tribe merged together. Nearby was the center of the swamp tree. In all it's beauty it shadowed the venue. Toph was still amazed at how we managed to pull this off. She walked arm in arm with her father who had a small smile on his face. He handed Toph to Sokka whispering words to him. The ceremony continued on and when they began their vows you struggled not to cry and ruin your perfect makeup. You looked over at Zuko seeing him having the same issue.

"Toph, I love you and I am so happy you said yes. I never thought we would make it to here. I mean you being an amazing metal bender and a chief of police and me being a councilman I wasn't sure. But now here you are in all your earthy beauty. Even though I know  you are probably itching to get out of the dress I know you would want this moment to last forever, just like I do. So I hope you are prepared for the rest of our lives with little Lin to be filled with amazing jokes, vacations to the South Pole, and being painted all the time." Sokka grinned at her. Toph couldn't hold back a laugh.

"Sokka, I love you and I am so glad you asked me to marry you. You would never believe how much I miss you throughout my work days and every time I take a new criminal to the station all I can think of is what you would say to them like when I had to arrest YOU for stealing my heart. I will remember when we were kids taking on the world and I was terrified of flying and you always comforted me kissing my forehead and telling me it was all okay.  Now it's my turn to tell you it's gonna be okay because no matter what happens lame jokes of yours and all.  I will always love you. " Toph said making Sokka throw his head back in laughter. They said their I dos and Toph dipped Sokka into a kiss.  The party was in the secret tunnel where Katara and Aang first kissed and it was glowing so brightly we could have our party in it. Throughout the party Toph did change into a shorter green dress so she could dance. When they sliced the cake Toph missed Sokka mouth on purpose so he did the same to her.


It was only a few months later you stood next to Toph in the Northern Air Temple. Wooden chairs with the air nomad symbol engraved into them held guests and at the end of each row were vases of orange lilies. the isle was a white silk carpet and Lin toddled down the isle throwing blue and orange flower petals who was followed by a very beautiful Katara. Her hair up in an elegant bun a few strands of hair framing her face. Her white ball gown with a blue ribbon around her waist and blue lilies in her bouquet. White baby's breath vines and lilies hung from the ceiling of the temple it was light by little lanterns everywhere. You wore with Toph while everyone else wore You were pretty sure Suki, Ty Lee, and Mai were getting tired of being bridesmaids because they are being bridesmaids at your wedding to.  Zuko looked at you from around the couple who were about to say their vows and wiggled his eyebrows under his mop of brown hair. You rolled your eyes at him focusing on the little Lin who toddled into Toph's arms and you held a very recently born Tenzin in your own. You made goofy faces at the baby giving your finger to suck on.

"Katara, it seems lie it was only yesterday I opened my eyes after being stuck in a block of ice and saw you beautiful as ever smiling down at me. I love your smile of course who doesn't. I love how you take care of everyone and always seek the good in everyone. I love how we weren't just BAM in love but we worked for each other and I think today is our reward for working so hard.  I am more than happy to spend my entire life with you and I'm glad you were willing to do the same for me." Aang spoke, you grinned at him shifting Tenzin so you could wipe your eyes. 

"Aang, when I found you in the ice I knew you were special and you always would be. I felt an instant connection to you and admittedly felt empty when you were gone because I love you so much. I remember when you made me that floral necklace when my mothers went missing for a while. I remember when you rode the elephant koi just to impress me. I remember you kissed me at horrible times, they weren't bad kisses just bad timing. I am glad to be having your children and I hope they will grow up to be just like you. Kind, appreciative, brave, and attractive." Katara read her own piece of paper. You looked down at baby Tenzin who had gripped your finger in his sleep and smiled down at the little thing. The party afterwards was inside the temple where people could wander and then dance to the music that echoed throughout the halls.


It was finally your day. You waited behind the curtain looking at Iroh would both be giving you a way. You watched as Katara carried you and Zuko's daughter down the isle helping Honora throw the rose petals into the air. You heard her little laugh before you walked out arm in arm with Iroh.

Wedding Dress:


Bridesmaid Dresses:


You looked down the gold isle everyone standing from their white chairs, you looked at the roses at the end of each isle grinning even wider. You glanced into Zuko's gold eyes watching them widen sent thrills through you. It seemed to take forever for you to reach him but when he lifted your veil you almost started bawling. Zuko's eyes began to shine as he looked at you.

"(YN), I remember how when we first met you were so determined to smack some honor back into me and every time you tried I would turn away. It wasn't till you were gone for like a week I realized how much I need and loved you. When we first kissed at the north pole it was like my world was set on fire. You just completed me. I never needed anyone else to fix me the way you did. Because with you I was already repair I just didn't see it yet. My Uncle always told me I was blind to what was in front of me and I was but now your all I can see. I love you (YN)." Zuko spoke. You wiped away a tear.

"Zuko, I have always loved you. Even when you were going crazy and pulling some stupid stunt to impress everyone I loved you. No matter how hard I tried I would never be able to hate you. Even when I convinced myself I hated you I didn't. I couldn't. You were just so Zuko. With your gold eyes that seem to see right through my lies, your mop of brown hair that I love to run my fingers through, you scar that makes you unique. You hugged me and put all the pieces of me back together. I need you Zuko, and I love you." You spoke. You said your I dos before Zuko stepped forward and kissed you passionately. The party was in the fire nation palace since you were getting married in front of the entire world practically being the new fire queen was huge. Even Azula in a mental hold saw it. It was amazing. After the wedding you and Zuko lay in the house on ember island all snuggled together on the beach looking up into the stars. Baby Honora was with Katara and you missed her (EC) gaze and her little tuff of Zuko's hair. But tonight was you and Zuko's and you wouldn't have it any other way.

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