The Phoenix King

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You sat idly by while Zuko drilled Aang about roaring. You knew why he was so nervous, he told you one night and you were anxious as well. The peace of the lesson all came down when Katara offered a break.

"Okay who wants an ice cold glass of watermelon juice!" Katara offered smiling. You looked at Zuko casting him a warning glance but he didn't even look your way.

"ooh! Me!" Aang cooed making you face palm.

"Laying around has made us all kinda lazy." You trailed looking at your boyfriend. You were wearing something a little different from the usual pants and crop top. Today you wore and actual Summer dress, it was a cute little orange dress, it was a pastel orange so it wasn't blinding and instead of you leaving your hair half up and half down you just left it all down. Zuko was more than a little stunned when you walked out of your shared bedroom.

"I know just the thing to fix it. BEACH PARTY!!" Sokka shouted. You laughed as his clothes went flying as he dove into the waters. You walked into the house and put on the swim suit that was here from your last trip, the red tube top with the gold bow and the red wrap skirt. (Go back to the puppet master part if your don't remember) When I came out Katara was surfing around. You saw Zuko pouting until he saw you in all your glory. You watched while Sokka began to sculpt with sand, Aang taking after him and making an Appa sand sculpture. That was till Toph made Ba Sing Se. When Aang was done we all moved over to watch Sokka.

"What. Is. That?" You asked him trying not to laugh.

"It's Toph!" He exclaimed standing by the awful sculpture proudly. You couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Sweet but not me." Toph smiled. Sokka hugged her kissing her on the cheek. That was till the entire sculpture exploded. You groaned.

"Babe! Calm down!" You shouted. But Zuko wasn't having any of it. You were coated in sand. You made a dive into the water watching as Ba Sing Se exploded to. You were floating around watching the panic. Aang ran away frantically avoiding Zuko's attacks. When a tree lit on fire that's where you drew the line. Now other people were in danger. You washed out the fire chasing after Zuko leaving everyone behind. You copied his Spiderman moves easily and was off to racing after them again. The roof was engulfed in flames you had to put out when Zuko blasted through the roof you fell in after him. "What the hell are you doing!?" You snapped at him. You weren't very happy with him acting like this. Zuko gave you a cheeky grin before putting a finger to his lips. You followed them out into the hallway after Aang made his appearance.  Only once you turned that corner all you heard was

"ENOUGH." From Aang and was blasted out of the side of the house. Pain seared through you as you hit the ground with amazing force. Zuko lied next to you. He was nowhere near as hurt as you were because he was a graceful person and didn't land on their arm with a sickening crack. Apparently Zuko didn't hear it because you landed behind some bushes and was busy arguing with the gaang. They didn't realize  you were hurt.  You listened quietly as Zuko explained. You looked at your arm and it's unnatural angle and almost threw up. Katara collapsed and Sokka pulled Toph to him protectively.

"Where's (YN)?" Katara suddenly asked. You made no sound afraid your voice would crack. You arm felt  like it was on fire. Again. It was your scarred arm that had been broken.

"So the comet's coming and the world is ending and the first thing you ask is where Zuko's girlfriend is?" Suki asked. You decided to stand from the bushes but only succeeded in collapsing. Zuko ran to you scooping you into his arms and curling you to his chest.

"Katara, you need to heal her. I think she was hit by the blast just as I was." Zuko explained. Suddenly you felt a surge of energy in you.

"Aang, stop. I don't need your strength." You whispered hoarsely. The feeling halted.

"How'd you know?" He asked.

"It's giving me extra energy and warmth. I should be the one giving you that energy." You snapped at him. Katara took some of the ocean water and a few painful moments later your arm was heal as were all your other scrapes.

"Why didn't you tell me? I assume your girlfriend knew!" Aang shouted suddenly. You groaned and fell back into the sand.

 "I didn't think it mattered. You were the one who didn't tell about putting it off." Zuko snapped back. The entire group just watched the two idjits argue.

"Aang you don't have to do this alone. We all can help. I mean what else do we have 2 avatars for?" You said soothingly as the kid plopped into the sand next to you.

"Alright! Team Avatar is back! We've got air, water, earth, fire, (YN), FAN AND SWORD!" Sokka announced, you let Aang lean his head on your shoulder. This was really stressing the kid out. Aang stood up pulling you with him.

"Come on Zuko you need group hugs! You are part of the group!" Katara said and awkwardly Zuko joined in on the hug. You were the only that moved out of the way before Appa came crashing down.

Later on Zuko decided to teach Aang the redirect lightning thing. He asked for your help in teaching him.

"You will need to know how to redirect lightning in order to face my father. (YN) is going to help." Zuko explained.

"Have you ever had to use this move?" Aang asked tilting his head in curiosity.

"Yes. Once. On my father." Zuko answered. Aang looked at you.

"Twice both at Azula." You answered making Zuko look at you astonished.  Once Zuko explained how it felt and how it worked the 3 of you were in the courtyard doing the motions to a highly advanced fire bending move.

"You will need to know how lightning works the way it moves. That's what (YN) is here for since I have never been able to make lightning. It's an emotion thing. You have to be cold and emotionless. That's why Azula does it so well." Zuko explained. The mention of you making lightning got around and soon everyone stood at the edge of the courtyard watching you do a few fire bending forms creating blue flames until you moved your hands towards the sky took a deep breath and Crack! You had made lightning. Aang had watched you carefully enough that you didn't need to repeat your movements.

You all stood around Sokka who stood in front of a very mean looking melon lord explaining the plan.

"We need our timing to be perfect. Suki and I will come in from the right taking out some forces while Zuko and Katara come charging in with some liquidy hot action then Aang swoops in and BAM. No more melon lord. (YN) will be coming in between Zutara and Suko. I combined our names so it saves time, clever huh? She will be able to step in for Aang if anything goes wrong but for the most part will be on her own. " Sokka explained. You weren't sure about being on your own but went with it anyways despite Zuko's arguing look.

"Wait where am I?" Toph asked frowning a little.

"You are melon lord's defense." Sokka said quickly. Toph let out an evil laugh.

"So I get to smack you guys around? Awesome!" She laughed giving you chills. Sokka gave the motion and suddenly you were racing through the earthy fields taking out earth fire nation men. You were smack dab in the middle of the field lending Aang energy even now during practice. You dodged a flaming rock barely and notice Sokka and Suki dealing with the same issue.

"That was close love!" Sokka shouted.

"I m not your love, I AM MELON LORD!" Toph laughed. You moved on through the fields making sure Zuko was okay too. You had to admit you were a little jealous of the way Katara worked so well with Zuko. Suddenly Aang was given his queue landed his staff raised and in the end couldn't kill him. You felt some of his guilt and felt bad. Sokka ended up ending Melon Lord. Aang was yelled at by Zuko only for you to step in.

"Leave him alone! Can't you see he doesn't want to kill the fire lord! It's against who he is! Aang will find his own way to defeat the fire lord. Stop snapping at him. He is under enough stress as it is." You yelled grabbing your own glider and following a fleeing Aang. Once he was brought back the two of you ate away from the group having your own silent conversation. You were blocking out the group until Toph began to yell.

"I knew you had a secret thing with Haru!"

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