The Puppet master

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Toph's p.o.v.

Screaming, that's all I could hear the second we landed in that forest. I tried to ignore it. I listened as my fiancé told scary stories. They weren't terrifying but it was water works story that sent a chill up my spine. The whole little girl trying to warm up thing. I could hear footsteps, someone was coming towards us. When the woman did approach us everyone leapt away screaming. Except for me since I knew she was there. There was something off about her. I could sense she was old but the way she was sounded as if she were a bender.

"This is a very dangerous forest around this time children, people have been going missing here around this time for months. now." The woman croaked. She wasn't lying at least. We followed her to her inn, I didn't trust her. While we were walking through the forest, I yanked ponytail man back to me.

"Something isn't right with her. While we were in the forest it sounded as if people were screaming in the mountain." I hissed. Water Works took an instant liking to the old hag instantly. I didn't trust her or her inn or her town.  My mind drifted to (YN).

If you find an old woman in a forest, run. That's what she told me before I left with the gaang. I gasped in realization. Everyone turned looking at me.

"What is it, little girl?" The old hag asked me.

"You were her teacher!" I told her my eyes narrowing.

"Who's teacher?" Twinkles asked me.

"(YN)'s water bending and blood bending teacher." I told them. Sokka pulled me to him.

"The new avatar girl? Of course I taught her a little water bending but blood bending." The old woman laughed at me.

"Toph isn't a liar miss." Sokka hissed.

"Well maybe she is just wrong." The woman said her voice dangerous.

"I'm never wrong, unless you hold up fingers and ask me how many your holding up!" I snapped at the old hag. The old woman chuckled.

"How about you stay in my inn for a few nights and then we talk this over. Where is my student anyways?" Hema asked. We all just stood there awkwardly.

"Not here at the moment. We are getting her back soon though."  Sokka answered. The old woman nodded and lead us to her inn.

A few Days Later

"What did I tell you nut for brains!" I yelled at them going into the dungeon inside the mountain. "I got them you go help Water Works." I told them unchaining the people with my metal bending. I remember my first lesson with (YN) it was great. I had all the people follow me out of the cave as I lead them back into town. Once they were all safe I raced into the forest for my love and friends. I could feel them nearby. I follow the sound of water. When I reached the scene, I felt Sokka and Aang lunge at each other. I cried out attracting the old woman's attention.

"You little blind girl, are a real pain." Hema  hissed at me. She sent a jet of water at me and I turned just in time to dodge it. Then all the sudden I had no control. I felt myself get lifted off of the ground. I tried to move and struggle but nothing happened and I couldn't see.

"Let me go you old hag!" I cried out through gritted teeth.

"What a lovely engagement necklace." Hema smirked as she made my hand grip the necklace and rip it away from my throat. I let a cry out as Hema took it from my grasp.

"Give it back!" I screamed at her.

"An earth bender with a southern water tribe guy as fine as Sokka is. That will never last." Hema cackled. My anger washed over me and I heard Katara scream and then I dropped to the ground free to move for myself.

Hema dropped my necklace and I snatched up the jewelry cradling it to my chest. I felt Sokka walk over to me and chain the necklace around my neck. I felt my world shift back into place. Sokka held me to his chest and kissed my forehead. I looked up at.

"You missed ponytail." I teased before catching his lips with mine.

Back to you after that super  fluffy moment! <3

You looked around your cute small room. You Had a bunch of clothes tailored to your needs for the trip to ember island. You had a duffle bag laying empty on your bed. You packed a cute swimsuit you found in a box in the bottom of the closet. It was a red tube top with a golden bow at the neckline and a short red wrap like skirt. You smile at it before packing it away. Then you threw in some red shorts and a black tank top, also a white dress that ombre'd down to gold then to red for the parties that were bound to happen. Some extra clothes and shoes a hair brush a tooth brush and a few other things. You buttoned the bag shut. Before a knock was heard on your door. Outside stood a very awkward looking Mai. You let her in.

"I'm sorry for earlier." She said quickly.

"It's okay, your reasons were justified." You told her with a smile.

"Zuko still loves you. You know that right?" Mai said breaking a very awkward silence.

"I know, I love him too but I feel like the two of you work better together than he and I ever would." You admitted your heart sinking to the bottom of your chest.

Okay so I have been thinking over the whole LoK situation and I am thinking about doing it just not on Wattpad, maybe I will do it on DeviantArt and maybe Quotev! What do you all think?


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