The Phoenix King

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"No.... I was looking for things to cook with in the attic and I found THIS!" Katara announced and unrolled a picture of a rather adorable baby. You and Zuko both flinched. "Look at baby Zuko!"

"It's not me. That's my father." Zuko said interrupting all the cooing and baby talk.

"But, he looks so sweet and innocent." Suki protested weakly.

"Well he grew a monster and a horrible father." You called over your shoulder.

"But still human. I'm not defending him or anything he is a horrible person and the world would be better off without him, but there has to be another way." Aang protested. You sent him soothing  waves of energy. You saw Aang relax. "Maybe I can glue bend his arms and legs together so he can't bend anymore!" Aang suggested feebly. You shot Zuko a glare as to tell him not to say anything offensive or sarcastic.

"Yah and when your done we can show him his baby picture and maybe those memories will make him good again!" Zuko said sarcastically. You ran a hand down your face groaning in frustration.

"You really think that would work?!" Aang asked. He was delirious and going crazy over this whole killing Ozai thing ad honestly you weren't okay with it either. 

"No." Zuko shouted suddenly. You paced side by side with Aang whispering to him soothing words.

"I can't just wipe out people I don't like! That's not who the monks raised me to be!" Aang cried out.

"Sure you can your the Avatar!" Sokka laughed. You shot him a glare that made all of them flinch.

"NO I CAN'T. NONE OF YOU UNDERSTAND MY POSITION HERE! ONLY (YN) IS TRYING TO HELP ME OUT HERE LIKE A GOOD FRIEND WOUD!" Aang screamed. He stopped pacing for a moment when Katara began to speak again.

"Aang we do understand. Its just we are trying to help. You just aren't" Katara started.

"I'm just not what Katara!" Aang shouted.

"You just aren't who you used to be! We are ere stranded in wanting to help you but you have changed so much we don't know how!" Katara shouted back.

"You know how you can help? FIND ME A WAY TO DEFEAT THE FIRE LORD WITHOUT TAKING HIS LIFE!" Aang shouted walking away. You went after him shooting everyone glares. When you found Aang he was meditating. You sat next him Momo crawling into my lap. You pet the little lemur listening to it make little sounds of happiness. A few hours later you and Aang were fast asleep sprawled across the wooden deck. You sort of woke up when Aang started to move around but thought nothing of it. You actually stood up when Aang jumped over the railing of the patio. He was marching towards the sea. You moved to follow him when a giant island was suddenly on the shore like it was waiting for Aang. Aang swam to it too. You went after him but as you did the island moved away from you to a point that you couldn't follow. So you swam there ember island a small dot in your vision as was the moving island. You made a little ice raft and used your water bending to propel yourself back towards ember island. Sending Aang waves of anxiety you were feeling. When you got the shore the rest of the gaang stood there. You collapsed onto the beach ignoring their questions. You sent Aang one final wave of energy before falling asleep.

When you woke up Zuko had his arms wrapped around you. You turned over so you could see his peaceful sleeping face only to meet his golden gaze.

"Hey Zu." You yawned. It wasn't till he shoved you off the bed that you were fully awake to the beautiful sound of his laughter.

"Where'd you and Aang go?" He asked you his head hanging over the edge of the bed teasingly.

"Aang ran off I followed he went to fast for me to catch so I'm clueless. " You answered honestly. He walked off so you could get dressed and ready for most likely a hard day. When you came out Sokka was covered in saliva and everyone was looking at Zuko. Suddenly you felt a large amount of comfort wrap around you. "Well he's okay I guess He's sending me his energy." You said breaking whatever silence had built. Everyone breathed in relief. You could feel something was horribly wrong as you headed for June, the lady who would track anyone and or anything all for a price. You let the wind combing through your hair.

It was a few hours before you reached the bar where June was always at. You knew her fairly well and would count her as a friend. So when you and the gaang walked in and watched her brawl it was no surprise. But when the fight was over she greeted you with open arms. You and the beautiful girl hugged.

"So I see you and your boyfriend patched thins up." June smiled at you. You laughed.

"Of course we did, how about you?" You laughed earning yourself a gentle push from her. It was good to be around old friends again.

"Enough chit chat. We need you to find the avatar."

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