The Boiling Rock P. 2

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It's been an hour and you were standing around waiting for Zuko to show. When he did it made you want to face palm.

"Uhh, hey there fellow guard?" Zuko greeted awkwardly. "I talked around the lounge after (YN) left. There are no water tribe prisoners. Your Dad's not here." He whispered. You saw Sokka's pupil's shrink in horror and shock.

"What?!" He gasped, you dragged a hand down your face groaning in frustration. "We came all this way for nothing?! I failed!" Sokka cried out slamming his fists against the nearby metal wall. You flinched at the sound but walked over to him placing a small hand on his shoulder.

"Sokka this isn't a failure. I saw someone you might want to see." You smiled slightly walking Sokka over to the ledge and he gasped while Zuko rambled trying to sound like his Uncle.

"Suki?" Sokka gasped. "Maybe this isn't a failure!" He smiled. You cracked a slight smirk at his enthusiasm.

As we walked to Suki's cell Sokka made you wait outside with Zuko to keep cover while he talk to Suki the first thing you heard was, You don't recognize me?  A guard started to walk past and you and Zuko knocked on the metal door to let them know what was coming.  The guard and Zuko began to grapple and you tripped her while they were fighting.

"Guard help! I think they are imposters! Take the guy I'll get the girl!" She shouted and you nodded at Sokka letting him know it was okay. Sokka gripped Zuko yanking him off of the female guard and you made a dash to get away only to get tackled.  You were in the cell next to Zuko's talking to him through the walls when you heard his cell door open. You gasped in horror when you realized it was the warden.

"Well Zuko. I never thought I would find  you in here." You heard the warden say you could almost hear the smirk on his face.  "You broke my Niece's heart Zuko, and I will make you pay." The warden said. You curled your lip to yourself in the cell. 

"Mai." Zuko sighed. You smacked your hand against the wall of the cell in warning.

"Who is in the cell next door, hmm? I bet that person is pretty important if they are trying to get you to shut up." The warden said. You were shocked when he opened your cell door. You pressed your back against the wall farthest away from the door. "Hello miss. I take it you know Mr. Zuko next door." He smirked at you. You looked him dead in the eye raising an eyebrow.

"You are uglier than I imagined, and trust me what I imagined was pretty ugly." You snapped at him. He walked in your cell and gripped your throat.

"How does a pretty girl like you end up in this kinda mess with him?" The warden sneered choking you.

"I'm his girlfriend and you can go to hell." You hissed. The Warden dropped  you to the ground and kicked your gut before walking out pointing to his eyes and then to you. You mocked him as he left.

You were out mopping with Zuko and Suki when Sokka came down the steps.

"Oh good you all know each other." Sokka smiled.

"We have know each other for a while. He burned down my village." Suki said her voice low. You didn't want to talk at all, the whole warden situation was complicated.

"Sorry about that..." Zuko trailed.

"I have an escape plan." Sokka said explaining the coolers and how they should be able to stand the heat of the volcano water.

"Yeah how are you gonna get the cooler out." A giant guy swung himself down into our conversation sitting next to you. "I want in or I will tell the guards all about your plan." He black mailed. You scooted closer to Zuko.

"And who are you to blackmail the avatar?" You hissed. The looked at you in shock.

"That only makes it easier for me thanks. But how's it all gonna work out." He  shrugged Zuko wrapped an arm around you pulling you closer to him.

"We need inside though to unbolt the thing." Sokka said you took the wrench from Sokka before Zuko could protest.

"I am doing it." You snapped at him.

When the plan started after you poked the guy with the end of your mop you both began to grapple when you shoved him harshly to the center of the room you were in. People began to cheer you on. When the guy shoved you and you black flipped your way to balance he looked shocked. You shoved him again. "What part of DON'T SHOVE ME WAS NOT CLEAR!" You shouted at him glaring at the guy. He pushed you to the ground and stood up blasting a bolt of lightning at his feet. You were tackled by three guards and you could hear Zuko gasp in pain for you. Once you were inside the cooler you began to shake and unbolt the cooler shakily. You puled your knees your chest and began shaking and trying to keep warm. When the door open and Sokka was there you breathed out a small puff of blue flames.

"I can take you out if you have learned your lesson." He said his voice laced with pity.

"I have, completely." You said and showed him the apron full of bolts. Sokka smiled at you.  When you heard guards walking past you yanked Sokka inside the cooler. Listening in.

"Water tribe war prisoners, your Dad!" You whispered.

"I have to stay. You go." Sokka said. You shoved him playfully.

"No way am I letting you free your Dad alone. Kat would kill me." You smiled at him. You helped them get the cooler into the water. And Zuko remained on shore as you shoved them off Zuko was about to follow them when he notice you weren't going with.

"My Dad could be here. I'm staying and (YN) here decide to help." Sokka explained. Zuko remained on shore with you. Suki realized what was going on and jumped out of the boat and remained on shore with Sokka and you. As you made your way up the wall back into the prison as crazy as that sounds we watched as the gondola stopped. We watched Sokka's heart break every time a prisoner stepped off and it wasn't his Dad. But then in the end the last one off, There stood Sokka's father. 

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