Into the Inferno

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You sat next to Zuko watching the sky move as you flew Appa.

"Zuko. What happens when I have to face Ozai as well. After we take Azula Aang will need my help more than ever. What if, Aang doesn't show and I have to face your father alone?" You asked him quietly. Zuko kissed your temple gently.

"Then I will be there to help you. I can't let anything happen to you not now not ever." Zuko said his voice cracking a little.  You lay your head on his shoulder.

"Oh baby. It will all be okay. I will make it out okay because I have too. I men I am future queen of the fire nation." You smiled. Zuko looked at you his eyes wide.

"You are?" He asked, he looked the same way he did when Iroh told him he is the next fire lord. Zuko took your face in his hands before bringing his lip onto you. It was a desperate kind of kiss one that people do before they knew something bad was going to happen.

"I wonder what's going on at the palace?" Katara asked from the saddle.

"Azula is on the edge of going crazy. I'm sure she is freaking out and banishing people left and right." You answered honestly. Katara seemed amazed by the comet's almost here presence. It was like the entire world was wrapped in tension so thick that only the comet could slice through it like a knife slicing through a cake. "Sokka and his crew should almost be to the air fleet about now. " You spoke as the sky began to turn gold. You watched as Sozin's comet cut through the sky in all it's beauty.

"It's beautiful." Katara said her voice shaking in the slight.

"Yeah it is. To bad my Father is going to destroy the world with it." Zuko sighed. He was so on edge and you had you stomach constantly flipping. You couldn't blame him for being nervous about facing his sister. Azula was a master fire bender just as he is but she's been a master for longer. You turned and saw the most heart breaking thing ever. A string of air ships though in your vision they were just tiny dots. You felt  a wave of confidence and let out a breath of relief. Aang was going to face Ozai and you were determined to help. You looked at the small dots again as they approached some rock formations. Flames began to erupt against the land burning it and scorching it beyond repair.  But as you looked at the formations again his presence was large in your mind. Aang was facing the fire lord.

"Zuko. You need to defeat Azula. Katara take of my little fire lord. I have an Aang to help." You said whipping out your glider you leapt off the back of Appa flying towards the rock formation tears streaming as Zuko screamed your name his voice sounding broken and hurt. But you just kept going. You landed next to Aang with a slight thud. Momo took off and you stood next him before throwing your glider off the rock. You watched as Ozai's air ship crash and Ozai leapt to one of the rocks. "Aang. We can do this." You said after giving him a quick hug. You watched the fire lord stare you down.

"You two together at once. It seems the universe has given you to me as a gift of providence." Ozai laughed afterwards and Aang of course decided to talk while you stood in a fighting position.  Ozai decided to roar giving you an opening shot. You shot a block of earth at him knocking him back and making him choke over his own fire. Ozai looked at you anger filling his gaze. He sent a wave of fire at you while Aang leapt you peeled the flames back so they didn't touch you. Aang flipped the rock you had been on and launched it at Ozai. You watched the fleet start to go down. Ozai noticed this two and became even more furious. You and Aang dodged his flames pretty easily and returned with some of our own.  You looked in the direction of the fire nation dodging a few more blows. You wondered about Zuko and how he was doing.

"Go to him (YN)! I will hold Ozai off!" Aang shouted you leapt from rock to rock grabbing your glider you flew towards the fire nation palace. When you got there it was truly a battle to behold.  Blue flames meeting with a wall of orange ones. You were half way to the explosions when you watched Aang skid from rock to rock. You kept pushing though. You watched Azula launched a huge force of blue flames at Zuko and he just shoved through them with his own red flames. After Zuko finally played offense Azula made her way propelling herself with blue flames.  Zuko and her went on a while like this before he shot a low wave at her and she collapsed to the ground she stood her breathing ragged.

"Where's the lightning ? Afraid I'll redirect it at you!" Zuko shouted at his sister. Time seemed to go in slow motion as she shot her blast of lightning at Katara. Zuko shot forward ready to take the blow for her but you dropped to the ground in front of him taking the blow. You felt the energy burn inside of you as you collapsed to the ground. You could sense Aang was losing his own battle too. You feared it was the end of the Avatars.

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