Back with The Gaang

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You looked at Zuko raising an eyebrow. You both had made it to the Western Air Temple successfully. You set up camp in the forest near the temple so you could approach them tomorrow morning, the sun was just setting now and you were getting impatient.

"What are you staring at?" Zuko asked warily before pushing his hair out of his golden eyes.

"You, what are you going to tell them when we see them? I hope we found them before your mercenary did. I still can't believe hired someone to do your favorite thing in the world for you." You teased him washing your hair so you would be ready to face the team tomorrow. You looked at the fire nation outfit you smiling at the memory of the school. Then an explosion went off. You and Zuko looked at each other panicked. You knew it was the 3rd eye guy. You raced for the temple ignoring Zuko's shouts for you to stop. Wet hair dripping behind you, you saw Katara and Toph both working their best to stop him. You walked right up to the 3rd eye freak his eyes widened as the focused on you. "Stop it. You are so fired." You snapped at him. The assassin narrowed his eyes now before attacking, you rolled out of his way yawning and bending the metal on his armor taking it away from him and one swift motion and a twist you shielded the gaang from the next blast but by then the metal was destroyed. You then turned to earth prisoning the man in an earthy cage but he broke out and turned on you. He attacked you that's when Zuko stepped in.

"Stop and I will pay you triple!" Zuko shouted, the assassin looked at him with a smirk and continued to attack. You huffed in frustration and the air around you began to crackle as you shot him with lightning knocking him out. Zuko gripped your wrist and took off running right back to camp. You two lay there huffing and puffing.

"How are we going to approach them tomorrow?" You asked him worriedly.

"How about we just go up and say, hey   I'm Zuko this is my girlfriend (YN)-"He started nervously making you laugh.

"They know who we are Zuko you don't need to introduce yourself. How about hey sorry for everything especially that metal guy yesterday but we want to help you take down the fire lord." You suggested. Zuko sighed in frustration flopping onto the ground where the tent would go. You flopped down next to him curling into his chest putting out the fire and then put the tent up falling asleep. You woke up to find the spot next to you empty. You saw the camp itself empty. You almost screamed and raced for the temple. You used the water in the bay under the temple to transport your self to where the gaang all stood looking angry and ready to fight. You landed in between them.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Was the first thing you snapped at the gaang. They all looked at you in shock Zuko face palmed.

"What is wrong with you! Sending Sparky Sparky Boom Man after us?!" Sokka shouted at you. The look you gave the team made all of them flinch away.

"Doesn't mean you turn away a fire bending MASTER away when Aang needs it most, what are you worrying about more what happened yesterday or the future of the world?" You yelled at them. Only silence was there then you were tackled by Appa into a kiss. You laughed and scratched the Bison's chin. "Do we have a deal then?" You laughed wiping the slobber off of you.

"We do, it's good to see you." Aang smiled then you were tackled into a hug by a certain blind little girl.

"You missed it! We ran into Hema and she almost killed us!" Toph exclaimed. You looked at Katara an eyebrow raised. Kat looked down.

"Oh no, you didn't." You gasped looking at the girl. She looked like a lost child. You ran to her and hugged her tightly. "I am so sorry Kat, so sorry." You whispered into her brown hair as she cried.

"I have missed you so much! I missed being called Kat, I missed your big sisterly behavior, I missed you!" Katara was shaking in your arms. When she broke the hug you waved a very awkward looking Zuko over to you. You put an arm around his waist and he placed one around your shoulders.

"Are you two together?" Aang asked, you grinned and nodded when Aang ran and hugged you. "I missed you too, we had so many problems you would have been able to stop with a wave of your hand." Aang said softly.

"We need to get our family back." Sokka said smiling softly at you. "They were taken hostage somewhere. You looked at Zuko biting  your lip.

"Well I think Aang should know some fire bending before anything else." You advised looking at Aang who nodded in agreement and excitement.

"Well then Aang what all can you do with fire?" Zuko asked a slight smile on his lips.

"Nothing?" Aang voice was shaky and you knew why, it was because of when he burned Kat. You looked at him lending him your courage. 

"Well then we have a lot of work to do."

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