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When you walked past Katara you slipped the note in her hand looking into her blue eyes sadly. Kat's eyes widened slightly when you looked into her blue eyes. She didn't even need to read it to know what was happening. Katara embraced you in full when tears fell down your face. Sokka must've seen you two hugging. He glared at you pulling his sister back. You gave a small wave goodbye to them. You walked over to Toph and hugged her, the little blind girl was confused but hugged back. Aang walked over seeing the commotion and raised an eyebrow. You looked at him and pulled him into a hug.

"See you at the invasion Avatar Aang." You whispered. Aang's eyes widened when he realized what you were doing.

"What is going on (YN)?" Sokka asked you his voice low and angry.

"You read the note Azula sent me, you know exactly what I'm doing. See you on the eclipse." You said sadly surprised when Sokka pulled you to his chest.

"Stay safe up there, okay?" He whispered you nodded looking as you hawk flew away in the distance. It was to Zuko, all it said was that you were coming. You approached the factory with determination. The soldiers looked at you in shock.

"Leave this village  alone." You hissed and they laughed and attacked you.  You put up a strong fight till one of them placed a burning hand on your back, right where Zuko scarred you. You gasped and fell to the ground but kept fighting till one of them caught your arm that was scarred from saving Zuko at the Agni Kai and cuffed your wrists and feet. They knocked you unconscious before loading you onto a small boat. You were placed in a glass cage that was hovering over the ground. They were smarter than last time they put you on a boat keeping you suspended in your cage so you couldn't bend.  When you woke up they ship had just docked. When they opened the door to get you out you released a breath of fire. The guard shut the door with a shocked scream. When the door opened it wasn't a guard that stood there but Mai, and Ty Lee. Ty Lee approached you and you fought and struggled but she chi blocked you with no hesitation just minor issues like her pink outfit getting singed by you fire breath. Mai had this smirk on her face as she unlocked your cage and dragged you out putting new cuffs on your wrists. You fought and struggled but Mai had Ty Lee immobilize your arms so you couldn't struggle as much. You were thrown into the fire lords room. Blue flames surrounded me.

"You my dear have been such a pain to catch, now I have you in my grasp, on my side. The Avatar here at my feet!" Ozai laughed. You raised your eyebrows.

"I wouldn't say I'm on your side, or at your feet. Ozai, I'm not here for you. I'm here for Iroh." You snapped at the fire lord. The circle around you got a lot smaller, but you didn't care right now.

"I am FIRE LORD Ozai to you. Iroh will never seen day light again let alone your pretty little face." Ozai snapped at you. You looked the man in the eye no fear in your glare as you stood up from your circle.

"Where is Zuko?" You asked the power crazy man.

"With his girlfriend most likely, Mai. They will make a great Fire Lord and Fire Queen in the future." Ozai smirked searching your face for jealousy. You snorted at the thought.

"That's really funny. You honestly think he will be here for much longer? You think he will stand by while you try and take over all 4 nations, no. He's got more Ursa in him than you think." You chuckled at the shocked Fire Lord's expression. The flames vanished.

"I admire your bravery to stand up to me. I will not keep you in the dungeons but you are my prisoner. Now get out." Ozai snapped at you. The cuffs fell to the ground. You walked out at a normal pace much to Ozai's frustration. You waltzed through the hallways remembering all the games of tag and hide and seek you and Zuko played in this hallway. When Mai walked into the hallway Zuko at her side she was in shock that you weren't in chains on your way to the dungeon. Zuko was lost in thought till he followed her glare and saw you standing there. Zuko dropped Mai's hand in shock. Mai launched herself down the hallway.

"Call down Mai, Ozai is still alive, maybe in shock but I am allowed to roam free throughout the palace, but I am still a prisoner." You explained, Mai didn't slow down. She leapt at you. You simple dodged keeping your hands behind your back. Mai slid across the floor and move at you again. You only dodged never throwing a single punch and your bending was still blocked. It wasn't till I moved down the hallway and Zuko stopped his crazy girlfriend.

"(YN), why are you here?" He asked you coldly. You faked a pout.

"What, no hey, hi or hello? I am here for Iroh. He doesn't deserve to be locked away. Why would you throw your UNCLE in prison. I can guarantee he still loves you and that's only making this harder on him." You snapped before turning and leaving. You could feel both their gazes burning through you. 1 shocked and 1 full of hatred, the question was who's gaze was who's?

The Fall of Ozai (Zuko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now