Hunting The Avatar...

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WARNING: SUPER FLUFFY!!! Possible chance of death by fan girling...

Zuko walked out of his father's chambers flustered and his hair was sticking up everywhere, you knew what happened he didn't even need to tell you he redirected lightning at his father. He sighed at leaned down since he was so much taller than you and carefully put an arm around your waist letting you lean into his form. Together you left the palace everything was so crazy outside nobody noticed you two escaping into a boat by the shore. You knew you couldn't help paddle so you let Zuko paddle while you used your water bending to push the boat along a little faster. Once you both were far enough away from the chaos Zuko pulled the boat to shore. Together you set up camp, you made a tent from earth like Toph did and Zuko went out to get firewood while you started a fire and got water boiling and food cooking. When Zuko came back  you were wrapped up in a blanket you packed and sat at the fire. You pulled Zuko into the cocoon of warmth with you. He lay his head on your shoulder sighing. You set your head on his kissing his head gently. 

"I thought I was suppose to be the one to do that..." Zuko trailed his arm around your waist in a half hug.

"You need it more than I do. After all we are going to be returning to our old job soon enough." You mused, Zuko's head snapped up his golden eyes capturing your (EC) ones.

"We will be hunting the Avatar?" He asked you really confused.

"Yeah, how else are you going to teach him fire bending?" You hummed, Zuko pulled you to him in a hug that said so much. He cried into the crook of your neck. You rubbed soothing circles on your back ignoring your pain, you could heal yourself but didn't want to ruin the moment. When Zuko pulled away you pulled dinner away from the fire.

"You were right." He said suddenly his voice was full of such self hatred it shocked you. You kissed his forehead gently before heading for the river to heal.

"Zuko, I love you so much. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Iroh still loves you and he is on his way to help us on our side. When we find Aang we will find June after so we can find Iroh. It will be okay." You hushed him and stepped into the cool running water. The water crept up your body healing every little cut and then it healed your burn. You looked at your scarred torso. It looked like Zuko's scar. You arm that was scarred from the Agni Kai you saved Zuko at. Your back from when Zuko scarred you when you first encountered him and June. You stomach from when Zhao (That is how it's supposed to e spelled I didn't know at first so yeah...) blasted you at the Northern Air Temple.  And Now your side from when Ozai tried to kill you. You suddenly felt a presence behind you. It was warm welcoming and sweet. You still had on your crop top so it wasn't like you were a display case.

"You are still so beautiful you know, scars and all. " Zuko murmured hugging you from behind. You leaned into his warmth.

"You are too." You hummed turning before placing a kiss on Zuko's lips. He pulled you closer to him. After you both pulled away for breath you hugged him placing your head on his bare chest hearing his heart beat quicken. He lifted your hand and locked his fingers into place.

"Whenever you feel alone just look at the spaces between your fingers and remember that's where mine fit perfectly." Zuko whispered. Together you walked out of the water and together you crawled into the tent putting out the fire and snuggling together under the blankets in the tent. Suddenly you put the tent walls down and gazed at the stars. Together you both made shapes out of the stars thinking and laughing.

"I know where they will go." You suddenly whispered the thought hitting you like a train.

"Wait what? Where?" Zuko asked raising one of his eyebrows.

"Think if you were an air bending looking for help and comfort and a place to think where would you go?" You said excitedly, Zuko's eyes widened in realization.

"An air temple. The closest one would be the western air temple. That must be where they are because they need to be close enough that they don't have to travel for to long to make their attack on the Fire Lord." Zuko answered he hugged you tightly. "You are such a genius!" He mused. You hugged him back inhaling his familiar scent of burnt brown sugar.

"Do all fire benders smell as good as you do?" You asked suddenly, you could feel Zuko chuckle as he held you in his arms.

"I don't know, what do I smell like?" He asked you holding you tighter.

"Like burnt brown sugar, it's a very homey smell...." You hummed into his chest.

"Really? Do all Avatars smell as good as you do then? You smell like a storm, rain, wind, the earth, and the lightning." Zuko said inhaling your scent form your hair. "All 4 elements in beautiful  chaotic harmony inside a beautiful girl that happens to be mine."

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