The Beach

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This part will be extra long because this was one of my favorite episode. It was written While listening to Fergie and Christmas music....

The boat ride was kinda awkward with Zuko ranting about this forced vacation. You were more than happy to go though. An escape from your prison would be great. You sat on the bench chewing some bubble gum (Pick any flavor you like) popping it occasionally.  Ty Lee sat down next to you fiddling her thumbs in excitement.

"This is going to be so much fun! It's going be just like when we went together that one time." Ty Lee squealed not being able to handle the silence of Zuko's rage and the excitement.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited." You sighed smiling at the circus girl. Ty Lee stood up and ran to the railing of the boat and began jumping around.

"I'm gonna take a guess and say that we are here." Mai sighed. You looked at her smiling slightly. She smiled back at you. You leaned over the railing looking at the island that hadn't changed a bit. A smile made it's way to your face.

"Remember when Zuko lit that one kid's sand castle on fire because it looked better than his." You smirked at the memory. Zuko groaned in embarrassment, Azula laughed a little.

"Remember when (YN) brought a baby squid into the house and the old hags that run our house here freaked." Azula smiled at the memory. You laughed at the memory.

"Remember Azula's little crush on the life guard." Mai teased. Azula turned red in embarrassment. You all now leaned against the railing looking over the shore. You grabbed your duffel bag leaping from the boat water bending some of the ocean to catch you. You landed on the shore with an excited smile on your face. You waited patiently for the others to get off of the boat. The two old ladies came up and greeted you and the others. You looked at Zuko with a smirk.

"Race you to the house!" You shouted sprinting to the house. You could hear the others racing behind you. You laughed when a small puff of fire shot past your side. You looked back and blasted a bit of air at Zuko and Mai. You turned and kept running. When you got to the house you flopped onto the wooden porch laying against the wood catching your breath. The rest of the group followed suit laying next to you.

"This might actually be fun. " Mai smirked as she lay next to you. The old women opened the door. You hopped up and made your way to the bedrooms. You threw your duffel bag on the top bunk and climbed up and lay on your bed exhausted.

"Well it is rather late. Tomorrow  we head for the beach!" The old ladies said in sync. You smiled nodding. Azula made herself comfy on the other top bunk. Ty Lee and Mai each lay on a bottom bunk.

The next day you woke about noon. None of the other girls were awake and Zuko had a thinking look on his face.

"I will wake them you big sissy." You rolled your eyes at the fire prince. He nodded in thanks and you gently shook Mai and Ty Lee. Azula was the one you were terrified to wake up. "'Zula wake up. It' beach day." You said softly. Azula woke up with a yawn. You smiled brightly before grabbing your swimsuit and walking to the bathroom. You changed into the bikini like thing. You had to admit it did look good on you. You grabbed a white knit cover up and shrugged it on. You brushed your hair out and left it down because you were lazy today. You walked into the kitchen to see every one in their swimsuits.

"(YN)! You look great!" Ty Lee squealed. After breakfast we all headed down to the sand. You found a spot that was perfect.  You lay your towel down and cleared the area around it. You waved the group over and the all lay their stuff. Except for Ty Lee who had a guy do it for her. You unpacked your water bottle and took a sip. Azula was watching a game of volleyball going on with a slight smirk. You took off your cover up looking at the water happily.

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