The Invasion P. 1

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Sokka's p.o.v.

I looked around at our incomplete team. (YN) wasn't here it makes everything harder on us. Aang couldn't sleep because of his stress and I bet (YN) could have solved that problem on the first day he had that issue. Katara and Toph were at each others throats and (YN) would have kicked both their butts so they would shut up. I am under a lot of pressure and stress and I'm really nervous about presenting my plan, (YN) would have been here to tell me I'll do great. I looked at my beautiful fiancé and smiled. I love her so much and I don't want her at the invasion but whenever I try to persuade her she hits my arm and kisses my cheek telling me it will all be okay. But today was the day, the day of black sun. The day Fire Lord Ozai will fall. I watched over the cliff and saw a huge cloud of fog. I grinned widely.

"What is with the fog?" Katara asked me. I shrugged and ran to the shore.

"It's Dad, Kat!" I yelled. I saw Katara freeze.

"Did you call me Kat?" She asked me. My eyes went wide when I realized that (YN) was the only one whoever called her that. I

"I'm sorry Katara I was just thinking about what we will do when we see her at the invasion and it just slipped." I apologized as the boats docked. I put an arm around Toph in a half hug. She put her small arm around my waist as we waited for the crew to unload. There stood the swamp benders, Suki and few other warriors, southern tribe warriors, Toph's earth bending buddies, all of the Freedom Fighters we would need, and the inventors of the Northern air temple. I ran up and hugged my Dad taking Toph with me, after all she is family now. My Dad beamed at Toph and she gave an awkward smile.

"You must be Toph! Welcome to the family! I trust my boy here has been treating you well?" My Dad told her, Toph nodded.

"Yeah he is pretty nice to me you know when he is not being a huge pain in Katara and I's butts with his giant ears." Toph teased I covered my ears with my hands. " Oh I'm teasing you ponytail." She smirked at me. Giant boats then came upon shore hiding the submarines that swam underneath. All of the crew gathered on the cliff waiting for me to give my speech, I took in a deep shaky breath and walked onto the stage.


Your p.o.v.

The entire palace was oddly calm despite the fact that the Avatar would be here soon to kill Ozai. You had a duffel bag packed with food and survival stuff, you knew what Zuko was going to do and you knew you had to go with him. You went down to the safety room under the palace and threw your duffel bag into one of the little open up benches. You were wandering the place where the royalty would hide with some very important people too. You were one of those important people being the new avatar as the entire fire nation was convinced of. You were honestly surprised when you weren't arrested and thrown in jail on spot. You snuck away from the palace that was now starting to panic a bit more and headed for Iroh. You made it to his prison undetected, you convinced the guards to let you see him considering you had the power to blow them up. You walked up to Iroh's cage and sat criss cross applesauce at his cage door. His back was turned so he couldn't see you.

"Iroh?" You asked him softly. He spun around in shock and scooted so he was sitting across from you the only thing between you being the bars.

"(YN)? You shouldn't be here! You already know of today's events I presume but here is not safe like the palace."  Iroh told you. You reached through the bar and put a hand on his face.

"I will be perfectly okay Iroh, I'm always okay." You told him, he was like a father to you and Zuko so of course you loved him and you cared about him greatly it's just that you wanted him out of this cell.

"Are you? Are you okay with the whole Zuko and Mai thing? Are you okay with me being in this cell? Are you okay with all the power you old?" Iroh asked you.

"Of course I'm okay, Zuko is leaving today, I'm getting you out, and I don't hold very much power." You answered his questions quickly. You held the metal bars and bent them open so Iroh could escape. He stood up and walked out. He hugged me tightly to his chest.

"You are like  a daughter to me like Zuko is my son I want you to go with him, help him teach the avatar fire bending." Iroh whispered then you walked out to a hallway full of guards. You made a popping sound with your lips signaling Iroh. You  created a storm of air quickly learning air bending by teaching yourself was pretty interesting. You sent the wind down the hallway knocking away guards like they were dominos. When it was clear you ran down the hallway quickly and silently and then you walked back to the palace where you were summoned to Ozai's chambers.

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