The Southern Raiders

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You woke up to a very loud yawn coming from Aang and the sounds of birds chirping away. After you, Zuko, and Sokka got back from the boiling rock everything had been peaceful. You listened to the sounds of people breathing and snoring till an explosion went off. You shot up scrambling out of Zuko's arms to see what was going on. You stood there frowning as several air ships made there way towards us, firing bombs. You and Aang air bent the blinds around you shutting them as the bombs kept coming. There was an explosion and the ceiling caved in, you watched as Zuko tackled Kat out of the way.

"You can get off me now." Katara snapped scrambling away from the fire nation prince. Toph and Haru earth bent a tunnel. We all shuffled into it dragging a reluctant Appa with you. You watched as Zuko hung back a little but Aang closed the tunnel behind you, that last thing you saw was Zuko firing away. You earth bent your own door out watching Azula fire off at Zuko. You narrowed your eyes at the crazy princess before standing next to Zuko. An explosion knocked you and Zuko off your feet before he raced up a pillar and leapt onto the air ship. You air bent him a little boost so he could get there okay. But he slid down the side of the ship falling into the fog. You had been so focused on trying to keep him alive you didn't notice went the ground collapsed under you and you fell right after him. You could see his falling form ad it broke your heart to see the look of panic flash across his face.  You watched as he hit the top of an air ship with a thud but he stood quickly to catch you. As we floated up to meet Azula we watched as Appa flew over our heads.  Zuko raced over the balloon and this time with the air boost he got over to Azula perfectly okay. You blasted flames from your hands and feet to boost you over to where the were fighting. You dodge your way down to the fire benders that were firing at Appa. Swiftly, you took them out. You leapt off the ship seeing Appa head for Zuko who was diving through air. After Kat caught him Zuko caught you bringing you into the saddle safely.  You watched Azula cling to a Cliffside her hair blowing around in the wind.

The entire group sat around a fire talking and eating laughing even.

"Camping just like old times, huh?" Aang smiled at Zuko. The fact that he was being accepted warmed your heart.

"If you really want it to be like old time I could chase you around and try to capture you?" Zuko joked. Everyone laughed, it felt good to just be kinda like a family again.

"Ha. Ha." Katara said her voice cold ad empty. I frowned at her. We all did a toast to your little fire bender but Kat didn't participate. You watched as Toph punched  Zuko in the arm lightly smiling at it. But then your frown returned as Kat snapped at Zuko. He moved to follow her but you shook your head following her instead. "Go away Zuko." She snapped. You walked next to her.

"Kat, are you okay?" You asked her. Katara shook her head breaking into sobs as she threw herself into your open arms. You whispered soothing words as she cried and as soon a s she stopped Zuko appeared.  "Everyone else trusts him sis, why can't you?" You whispered in her ear.

"Because I was the first to trust him, remember Zuko, back in Ba Sing Se?!" Katara shouted. "But the you turned and betrayed all of us!" Katara shouted almost in tears again.

"What can I do to regain your trust?" Zuko whispered. Katara met your (EC) gaze in amazement.

"Maybe you can reconquer Ba Sing Se in the name of the earth king, or maybe bring my mother back!" Katara screamed. You winced as she stalked back to camp. You placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder when he embraced you putting his head in the crook of your neck.

"I feel so horrible." Zuko's voice cracked. You hugged him back and began to sing.

" Leaves from the vine,

                                           falling so slow,

                                                                   like fragile tiny shells drifting in the fall.

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