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I sat in the car with Onika as she looked out the window. She's trying to be a brat right now. I'm trying to get her to come on so we can get her stuff but she's on her medicine.... That's all I gotta say. Girl be acting stubborn as hell, that's the only thing I hate about that shit. And she don't give a fuck either. Nigga be ready to slap the shit outta her for real. 

"Come on."

"I'm. Not. Hungry." She gritted without looking at me and I smacked my lips. 

"Keep trying me, imma sign them papers to send yo ass-"

"Stop making empty threats at me or I'm going home." She looked at me with a hint of annoyance and anger. I.... don't care. I'm sure she knows this already. Just like she know I'm not gonna really sign those papers. Unless she's going fucking crazy, but even then, i'll tie her ass up to the bed. She know better. I'll never send her away, I know how that'll fuck her up.

"I'm finna get you whatever and you better eat it. They got you on these high dosages, you gotta eat. I don't care what you talking about." I let my window down as it was my turn to order. This is popeyes, she usually gets the same thing, so I already knew. If her order has changed over the years, oh well. She gon eat her usual. "Here." I tossed the bag in her lap and she huffed, but I didn't look at her. Just drove off and headed to her apartment. 

Well, ex-apartment because she's not going back to that shit hole. I don't care what type of protesting she does. If I gotta drag her out, I will. That's nothing. But I refuse to leave her in there when she doesn't have to. She already did enough when she didn't have to. Acting like i'm not a person that'll ride for her whether she right or wrong. 

"Come on." I pulled in and stopped at the front, didn't even park in a spot. She's gonna grab everything that'll fit in this car. We'll get the rest another time. Or leave it there, that's fine too. Actually better because I have everything at my house. "Onika why you gotta be so stubborn?"

"Cause why you coming up? Thank you for dropping me off, I appreciate it Bey. But you don't have to do more than you're supposed to."

"You're about to get you and Lynn's stuff cause y'all are coming with me." I gave her a look because we already went over this. Argued about it and all. Had those people thinking we were about to bust out fighting. But our arguments are always like that when she's medicated. I find it really funny to see her acting like she run shit. Then be upset when she don't win. Crybaby. "So come on." I got out and went to the passenger's side. This girl had locked the doors and just looked at me. She's so slow.

My car is a push start so I keep the key button in my pocket because I'll forget it inside sometimes. Then my doors won't lock. So it was easy to unlock the doors and open it. She groaned as I grabbed her arms before throwing her over my shoulder. All she did was lay there limp. One thing I needed her to do was unlock her front door though.

While she was in the hospital, Mama had came over here to get Lynn and Onika come clothes. She'd seen the keys as well as Onikas phone, so she grabbed both. I wasn't surprised when she said she saw that nigga here too. It made me try to come back but she made me stay at the hospital. She claimed that she didn't say anything to him, just got what she came for before leaving. But we all know that's not true. Mama bribed Lynn with ice cream. I knew the moment I seen them with it.

"Unlock the door." I put her down and waited for her to do it. With an attitude, she unlocked the door before going inside. She ran straight to her room while I walked to Lynn's. I'm not even worried about her, she better be getting her clothes out. Cause if I have to do it, she'll be upset. Beyond.

While I was going through my baby's clothes, I had a scrunched face. Some of this stuff don't even look like shit Onika would buy. I noticed a couple things that I'd bought before. But overall, I left a lot of shit in there. I'll just have to redo her clothes, cause hell no. Plus she's getting older, a lot of this shit look old. 

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