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"Lynn posted you on tik tok." Nia chuckled over the phone. I scrunched my face because Lynn doesn't have tik tok. Know damn well she didn't go download that after I told her no. I'm not even surprised, she always doing something.

"Posted me? Let me see."

"Nope cause you sound like you're about to get her in trouble."

"I'm not. I just wanna know who told her she could get that." I was lowkey mugging. Honestly I can't even get mad because she's a little girl with my attitude. So I took a deep breath and waited for Nia to send me the video. How did she get a video of me?

I watched it with a smile because it was just a video from new years night. But still, she's not supposed to have that. Love my baby to death but no. She's only 6 and a half. Ever since she learned the half, she's been on my ass about saying it. Even though it's not even half, more like three quarters but whatever.

Now I have to go ask her who told her to do that. I sighed getting out the bed and went down the hall. Bey was in there with her, laying in the bed watching tv.



"No this is serious." I turned the light on making the both of them sit up. Bey looked between us like something was about to happen. She always looking lost or confused. "You have a tik tok?"

"Aw shit, Lynn." Bey mumbled. I ignored her, standing at the end of the bed. I'm just asking. She probably think she's in trouble trouble when she's not. Kids do what they're told not to do. It's normal.

"Don't yell at my niece." Nia spoke over the phone. If she don't shut up, i'm not even gonna yell. I don't yell at my children unless I have to. And I absolutely hate having to. It's really just Lynn right now, I have no reason to yell at Cel unless he's about to throw himself off the bed again.

"Do you have a tik tok Marcilyn?"

"Yes Mommy. But I have it-"

"I thought I asked you not to get that?" I kept a soft tone with my eyes on her.

She pouted slumping her shoulders and I raised an eyebrow. We just sat in silence for some time because I guess she forgot how to talk. But i'm not gonna ask her if she did like most mothers would.

"Where's your ipad?"

"It's charging Mommy. You can't get it."

"Girl you don't tell me what I can't do." I mugged a little. No she didn't try that. Little bad ass girl. The hell. I got the ipad off the charger and unlocked it. Well I tried to fucking unlock it, she changed the password. Ok she shocking me more and more. "Marcilyn I swear on your life..."


"Unlock it." I sat it in her lap. She's not even in trouble but she finna make her way there. My siblings and parents be thinking I just trip. No. This little girl is sneaky as hell because she's smart. Like that's why I said no to tik tok. She pick up too quick and will start acting on what she sees.

I'm cautious if anything. I don't trip on much with her because I know she's a fast learner and will get bored with things. So I try my best to let her explore and express herself. Some things are too far though. Sneaking after I said no?

She put her finger on the top of the ipad to unlock it. I gave her a look as she held it out. Why does she think i'm just so damn stupid? It's probably nothing to even hide. She just trynna be...

"What's the code?"

"You can't know Mommy, it's mine."

I took a deep breath closing my eyes before snatching the ipad and walking out. Had to bite my fucking lip cause I wanted to raise my voice. Can't do that. Can't do that. She didn't do anything.

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