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Before I could even get up myself I was woken up by my son slapping the shit out of me. I took a deep breath and grabbed his hand, squeezing it some. Why the fuck is he slapping me?

"Marcel." I grumbled with my eyes still closed. He started to babble, bending down and slobbering all over my face. I turned so quick. Yuck.


I sighed opening my eyes deciding to just get up. Why couldn't he do this to Bey? Grabbing him, I sat up and noticed the fucker wasn't even in the bed. Makes sense.

"Where'd Mama go big boy?" I put him on my hip and he grabbed my boob. No way. We went into the kitchen where I saw Lynn sitting at the table with some cut up fruit on her ipad.

So she can't be gone that far, she gave Lynn some fruit. I kissed my baby's head and went to the fridge to get Cels water. He's about to get used to drinking this I swear. This dude just want titty milk all day.

"Where'd Mama go Lynn?"

"Her left."

"Really?" I scrunched my face. We didn't have work today so where could she have gone without telling me? Shaking my head I got Cels baby food out. Beyoncé really be pissing me off sometimes. And wonder why she get slapped.

I sat at the table with Lynn and started to feed Cel. He ate good but wouldn't drink the water. So I held the bottle nipple in his mouth, swishing it side to side until he started to drink. That trick works every time.

He didn't like it cause he kept whining but oh well. Doctors orders and Mamas orders. Bey will get on my ass if I was just giving him titty milk. He's already a fatty.

"Look Mommy, Mama made me fruits. And her said to tell you she be right back maybe tonight."

"Tonight?" I mugged my face. Why she couldn't wake me up and tell me that herself? She going to do something she ain't got no fucking business. Imma slap her ass again. And she be wondering why I do that.

Once Cel finished his water I started to burp him. He let go a couple times in my ear. I changed his diaper and put him on the bed with some toys while I got myself together.

We're gonna got on some quick errands.

I just brushed my teeth and washed my face before doing the same to him. He of course just ate the toothpaste but I brushed those little teeth.

Lynn was being such a hyper bug while doing hers. I went to get them some clothes out which was just in my closet since that's where all their shit is at. Shaking my head. Really need to get back on my shit.

"Ok come on." I grabbed Cel after dressing them and then my keys. Lynn had her ipad following me out. We got to the car and I sighed after getting them both in. Jesus.

The way that girl be fucking me, i'm surprised I can still walk.

"Lynn do you want a donut this morning?"

"Really!? Yes!"

I chuckled at her excitement. She act like she never get donuts when I know for a fact Beys mom be getting them every morning. But whatever. I took her to the donut shop and got them both a bag of donut holes.

Had to put Cels eating tray on his car seat and let him eat on his own. It's just donuts, that's easy. I was still watching him though because you never know. He was fucking them up for sure.

This his first time having donuts. I love how he's always so excited when having new foods. Of course I had to get a little video of him. Fat man.

As I pulled up to the pharmacy my phone started to ring. I ignored it for a little bit, talking to the lady. Once she had my information I answered. It was my mom.

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