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Caught her ass. She is feeling depressed. I don't know why she think she can hide that from me like i'm slow. That's all her. Just like she can feel my vibes, I feel hers.

"Onika open the door." I knocked a couple times to get no answer. She's definitely in here because Lynn told me she slept with her last night. I'm surprised she got out the bed to come to me. "Come on mama."

Standing there for a couple more seconds, I sighed realizing she wasn't gonna come open it. She gotta be sleep. That's what she does. So I need to get in there before she wake up and start....thinking. We don't want that.

"Niicccc. Wake up baby, open the door!"

"Mama...I want my mommy."

"I know babygirl, go back to mamas room."

"No, I wanna get Mommy."

There's no changing her mind man. I sighed standing up straight to knock again. This shit not gonna work. Fuck it.

I pulled my hair out the bun, groaning at the pokes felt through my scalp. Damn man, that shit hurt. Two bobby pens fell to the floor so I grabbed them before starting to pick the lock. 

It took a while since it's been a minute I last did this, but I got it open. Lynn wasted no time rushing in while I was getting off the floor. Damn, dramatic ass.

"Mommy, you have to get up now." Lynn crawled on the bed the best way she could. I sighed grabbing Onikas arms then pulled her up. Just gotta be careful with her stomach. Fat ass. Alright. "Mama I get her medicine?"

"No not yet, my love. Give me a minute okay? Go in your room."

"But Mama-"

"Go Lynn, give me a minute alright? I promise i'll call you when I have mommy awake."

She frowned her face really hard before sliding off the bed and stomping away. Man she lucky I understand her frustration. Get that shit from her Mother.

"Baby." I pecked her lips over and over till her face scrunched. Take too much to wake her small body ass up! Have somebody thinking she dead. "Get up Nic, you been sleep too long."

"I don't wanna get uppp." She moved her hands from mine but I pulled them right back. Uhn unn. "Tanya."

"Stop calling me that."

"Get up then. Snap out of it." I smacked her cheek twice. She swung at me so I dodged, letting her go. Better not hit me. "Gimme kiss."


"If I gotta pick you up...."

"Please don't."

"Then wake up and give me a kiss."

She huffed opening her eyes and got out the bed. I didn't even get my kiss, she just got up. That's why her shorts twisted.

"You got an appointment today." I followed her in the restroom. Really just wanna see how she looking. If I can see any sign of her crying. She like to lock herself away and deal with the shit alone. Which is weird because when we weren't supposed to be together is when she was sneaking to talk to me about how she felt. Now that we are, she doesn't. She'll isolate.

"For what?"

"What else Nic?"

"How many appointments we need? He good."

I chuckled because I knew she was dead ass serious. It be the same thing at every appointment.

"Just two more after this and that's it mama."

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