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"Move Nia, no!" I yelled kicking my feet. She's getting on my nerves! I'm tired of doing her stupid things. All I asked was for her to massage my legs and she wanna bend them. I'm not flexible for this. Not for her at least.

She grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to the end of the bed. Oh my gosh, i'm about to cry. Seriously. I don't wanna do ittttt. Yea it works but it takes time and it'll hurt before anything.

"Please Niaaaa."

"Onika shush. You was just talking shit and now you wanna cry over something that'll help your weak ass."

I smacked my lips and huffed at her calling me weak. I'm gonna slap the shit out of her, she got one more time. Swear. That's why I don't like her, she think cause she older she can say what she wants.

"Just cause you built like the hulk- alright! I'm sorry." I laughed and stopped her from pinching me. Jesus. Little angry bird. She mad because I won't eat anything either but she doesn't understand that i'm scared. I'm not trying to throw up again.

"You about to piss me off and i'm gonna tie your small ass to this bed. Be still!"

"Stop yelling at my baby!" Momma screamed from the living room and I stuck my tongue out at Nia. Ah ha.

"Well you come do it then Momma!"

It went silent before my room door opened and she came inside. That look would've made you shit bricks. Momma has been on ten and it makes me wonder how things would've been if she was around when we were younger. I know we would've given her hell.

"What are you yelling at her for?"

"Cause she being mean Momma! I'm trynna help her and she wanna kick at me. She just said i'm built like the hulk." Nia folded her arms and dropped her face. Snitch.

"Momma I only said that cause she called me weak."

"I done told y'all about calling her that. You, Beyoncé and Dj gon get y'all ass best up by me. Onika do what you're supposed to do. It's to help you not harm you. Have you eaten?" How she get to me? She's supposed to be yelling at Nia.

"I'm not hungry Ma."

"You've been saying that since we got here. Beyoncé said you haven't eaten anything."

"She know why."

"I'm about to cook and you're gonna eat."

"No im not."

"What did I just say?"

"Alright." I shrugged. I'm a grown ass woman, she's not about to make me eat. I'll eat when i'm ready to fucking eat. That's what they're not about to start with me. "Can y'all leave me alone now?"

"You don't want your massage?"


"Yes you do, Nic. Come on. I'll massage your legs for you."

I tried to hide my smile but they both smacked their lips.

"So you did all that?"

"I didn't even do nothing. Y'all are the ones making things so dramatic. I just don't wanna eat yet."

"Whatever. Come on so I can massage your legs and help my momma cook for you."

"See?" I shook my head but still allowed her to start massaging me. They just don't understand that i'm at the point in my life where if I don't wanna i'm not gonna. Better ask Beyoncé.

Speaking of her. I need to call and tell her to bring me my daughter. While Nia messaged me I called my baby mama. She left to go to work this morning but I do miss her. I'm glad we could get things understood.

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