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"Marcilyn tell your Mommy to take her shit!" I screamed from the guest room. Well Nics room. Onika acting like she don't need to take nothing today cause she tired, but I don't got time for her to be complaining about her bones! None of that.

Think she a crybaby when she not on her mental medication, gotta see her when she not on her other stuff. I have to literally lay with her until she's feeling better. Just can't see how she was dealing with that nigga taking her stuff. Crazy.

"Mommy take it!" We heard Lyn yell from wherever the hell she is. Loud ass.

"Both of y'all can kiss my ass." Nic mumbled from under the blanket and I glared at her. I been standing here for like ten minutes, i'm about to stuff it down her throat. "Can you get out?"

"Can you take the fucking pill?" I bent down to her face and gritted. She getting on my nerves. "Get up. You got that appointment today anyways."

"If I fall down some stairs you think it'll kill the baby?"

"Prolly kill you but not the baby." If that's possible. I don't think so, but whatever.

"What time?"

"Three. Now get yo ass up." I smacked her ass while low key grabbing it cause I know she don't have anything on under this cover. That just made her bite her lip while opening one eye.

How can somebody treat such a funny soul so bad? He didn't find her pleasing in a non sexual way? Like seriously. This girl can lighten up a mood with one action. I'm just glad that situation didn't break her down completely. It makes me happy to see her being her normal self at times. Of course she'll have moments of isolation but never for too long.

"Do it again." She started twerking a little making me laugh before doing it again. Only this time I didn't let go. Just held her ass while she twerked. "Mmm."

"You're disgusting." I let her go and looked towards the door as Marcilyn came in. She had her iPad in her hand before crawling in Onikas bed. Just playing whatever games she downloaded.

I think I fucked up buying that. Then she got friends and they be online with some damn game. Be having me spending my money on the shit. Just so she can get outfits?....I don't know.

"Mommy look."

"I'm sleep."

"You not sleeping. Look at my person. And Mama say take your medicine. I gonna get my granny if you don't take it." She shrugged before starting to open Onikas eyes with her fingers. I just laughed.

Being with them is like a family. I love it.

"What yo granny gon do to me?"

"Oop! Mama call her! Call her!"

Marcilyn took that to the heart. She was ready to get my mama on the phone ASAP! I'm not calling that woman cause she'll be on the phone forever. Already call every night to check on Onika. It's too early.

"Ok i'm getting up for real. Not cause she doing that but cause I gotta pee."

I watched her her out the bed naked while Lynn was looking at me. She covered my eyes making me laugh and I pulled her hand off.

Annoying self.

"Don't look."

"I can look. That's mine." I whispered to her and she gasped shaking her head. It was funny cause she really look disgusted like she know what I was talking about.

"That's my Mommy."

"That's mine though."

Onika made breakfast. I was real happy that she got up on that type of time after taking them pills. Cause I didn't want no fast food no more.

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