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I do not want her to leeeaaavvvee. She's always going home when she can just stay right here with me. And she know it's easier because she'll leave the kids. Not that that's a problem, I actually want her to leave them. Being with my kids is my favorite part of being a parent. They make my days better.

Even though they be being big old babies. They're my babies so they can do that.

But my biggest baby doesn't want to stay. Ugh.

"Onikkkaaa." I held her tighter in the bed and she groaned. She's sleeping but I just know she's gonna get up in a bit. It's Onika. She'll get up even though she's tired.

"Whaatt? Stop! Move." She mushed my face with her hand. I smacked my lips moving around it. Dang.

"Don't be pushing on me." Just mushing my face and shit. That hurt. If I bite the hell out of her she'll think i'm wrong. "Roll over on me."

"I don't wanna roll over on you."

"Why nottt?"


"What? I just wanna be under you."



She sighed rolling over and I pulled her to lay on me. I adjusted her so we would be comfortable then slid my hands into her shorts. Now i'm warm as ever. Her head went in my neck and by her breathing I knew she was back sleeping. That damn fast with her light sleeping ass.

"Can I have a kiss?"

"Go to sleep."

"I can't have a kiss? You just wanna sleep and then get up to leave me right after."

"Nobody is leaving you. I don't even have work today so just shush. I'll be right here when you wake up."




She lifted her head to look at me and I smiled some. I swear she's so cute even when her breath is stinky with crust in her eyes.

"I promise."

I puckered my lips, thankfully she pecked them. Then she was out again so I just went back to sleep too. Might as well.

"Leave it alone!"

"Girl quit." I pushed her leg over. She wanna lay up in my bed with no clothes on and think i'm not finna get a piece....crazy. Better be still. "Mmmm."

I was eating her out from the back, while she laid on her side. Face in ass, I love it here. We should do this position more because it's actually interesting.

"Beeyyyy." Her hand grabbed my head but I didn't stop what I was doing. I'm glad she's a naked mother because if she was one of the ones that started to dress all...soccer like, I don't even know. It would've surprised me.

But shes actually more naked now.

"When I cum you have to stop."

"Says who?" I wiggled my tongue on her clit before sucking it. She know who she talking to. One nut ain't enough. If she want me to stop she better magically squirt the first time.

"Me, fuck."

I grabbed her ass pushing my head deeper between her legs. All while still laying sideways. Ouuu I love it here man. She should never leave.

Her moans turned into heavy breaths so I knew she was about to cum. Flicking her pearl with my tongue, I stuck a finger inside. Poking against her spot over and over until she came.

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