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This shit feel like the longest week ever. From me trying to keep Onikas anxiety down, to trying to keep her high spirited and stay away from that depressing feel. It's not so hard but when she wants to lock herself away that's all I can respect. Space is needed sometimes.

Nia told me some stuff that could work but Onika doesn't like doing that shit everyday. She rather stay in the bed to avoid anything. But staying in bed gives her time to think which leads to the depression.

It's literally no winning for losing.

Plus she's pregnant. I'm like....really going crazy. She'll be wanting to cry while also wanting to move around to organize shit because of that OCD. Like babygirl please. This is what Nia was talking about that day. But luckily her bones aren't bothering her because that would just be the icing on the fucking cake.

I would probably cry with her.

Then we have a doctors appointment today so I wonder how i'm gonna get her up. She's been real quiet today. Only time I heard her was when she first woke up and went to the restroom. I could hear her walking from downstairs that's how.

Haven't been in her room all day. I think Lynn is in there with her because it's the weekend. When she wakes up early she'll go with Onika or me until we get up. She be knowing when Nic isn't feeling good so that's most likely why she went in there with her.

Leaving from my room, I went to Onikas and knocked on the door a couple times before going in. They were just laying there but Lynn was watching tv. Onika looked like she was asleep.

"Is Mommy sleeping?"

"No. Her just laying here. Mommy." She tapped Onikas cheek.


"Mama want you up."

I sat on the end of the bed and Onika opened her eyes. She looked directly at me before pulling the cover over her face. Here we go.

"I don't wanna get up so don't."

"You have to, it's a doctors appointment today."

"What time?"

"In like an hour. So come on cause you know it take you forever." I pulled the cover off of her and saw she was naked. Shouldn't even be surprised. Her little baby bump is growing more and more, I love to see it. It just look like she chubby. Makes me even more excited. I went around to her and bent down to her face, kissing her a couple times.

"Come on big mama."

"I don't wanna get up." She pouted trying to turn her face away from me but I grabbed it softly. Pecking her lips before sucking her bottom one and letting it go. "Can we reschedule?"

"Nope cause then that's gonna fuck a lot of shit up. Come on baby." I grabbed her arms and pulled her up.

"Mommy you never have clothes."


I chuckled and picked my Lynn bug up. She needs to put some clothes on. And she better not try and argue with me about what she's gonna wear. She love to be real prissy. We not getting all dressed up for a doctors appointment that's not for us.

Looking in her closet, I decided on her a short set. Just a cute little unicorn shirt and some jean shorts. Then I got her jelly sandals that matched before changing her.

Her hair is braided with beads so she's good with that. I just have to lay her edges.

"Let me see." I sat her on the sink and she was watching hard in the mirror to the right of me. She don't play about her little baby hairs.

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