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I walked in the house and sighed as I saw Onikas dad. This has to be done sooner than later. He heard about Carol being in the hospital and he called me while I was there. Told him where the key was and he came in to wait for me.

"Gotta make this quick. I'm sure my child misses your presence." He stood from the couch. I nodded already knowing Onika didn't want me to leave, and will most likely be calling me in a bit.

Then Lynn will be home in a little bit. So yea, this gotta be quick.

"You know where he is?" I walked out the door with him behind me. We got into this black sprinter van with more guys. They were big and looked honestly scary. Had me second guessing myself about getting in here. I'm not the one that's about to die right...?

"Yep. The nigga stay caked up in his trap. Ass probably stink." Duane mugged his face and I chuckled shaking my head. Trap niggas swear they gotta live in the trap. "A quick shoot up, but I wanna see his face first."

I nodded as we drove around. As expected, Onika called me and I answered the call. Duane looked at me knowing it was his daughter. Ain't no telling what i'm about to hear, but I hope things are going well at that hospital. I just left.

"Hey baby. What's up?"

"You're at work already?"

"Yea, i'm at work baby."

"Ok. I just wanted to make sure you made it safely. Love you."

"I love you too. I'll call you-"

"But....do you have to be at work right now?"

"Yes I have to be at work right now mama."

"I guess....ok bye." She hung up and I chuckled. Oh my god, she's so dramatic. Every time I gotta leave she be acting like she won't see me ever again. I don't even be at work that long for real.

"This the location right here. Let's go." Duane got out and I followed behind him. He simply went to the door and knocked, waiting for it to open. When it did, there was Nas. I wasted no time, straight punched him before we walked in.

We not here for no type of talking. At least i'm not.

"Good spot."

"Thank you." I closed the door and grabbed Nas by his shirt. He was too busy trying to gain his strength back, so I slammed him on the ground. I'm not showing this man no type of mercy. "How that shit feel? Huh?"

"Fuck! Man."

"You didn't give a fuck how she was screaming every time yo fist landed on her! Did you!?"

"We ended this shit already man!! You got your payback!"

"I ain't get shit. That was for hitting somebody I love. This for hitting his daughter." I punched him one good time and let him go. Duane stood there watching with a blank face. Truthfully, it looked like he was enjoying it all.

"That was my daughter you put your hands on."

Nas was in so much pain he couldn't even respond. Just inhaled heavily like all his breath was taken away from that slam. That was the point.

"I don't play about my babygirl."

"I'm sorry! Fuck, man, i'm sorry."

"That you are." Duane pulled out a gun and I stepped back some. When he let out those shots with no warning, my eyes widened. Damn. That shit look nasty.

"We getting rid of the body?"

"Hell no. Leave his ass right there." He started to walk out and I looked over the body one last time before following him. We got in the van but before the door closed, one of the big guys got out. He threw something through the door and in a couple seconds, the house blew up.

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