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It's too fucking early! Damn! Lynn don't wanna miss not one day of school and it's killing me. Gotta get up at 5:30 to have her at school by 7. That includes getting Onika up as well as myself. We both don't do this early morning bull crap. Surprised our child does it.

"Onika." I grumbled with my eyes closed as my alarm went off. She made me sleep with her last night because she wasn't feeling good. Who am I to deny her? Shit. "Nic."


"Get up." I tried to unlatch her arms from my waist but she had a tight grip. I'm already knowing Marcilyn will be in here in about five minutes. "Come on."

"She can stay home today."

"You know she don't want to, come on let me go."

She let me go, rolling over to the other side and I got out the bed quick. Just as I walked out the room, Lyn was hitting the corner. Damn.

"Good morning baby girl." I picked her up and she laid on my shoulder. She has to wake up completely. Swear this the first kid I know that'll still get up even though she's not all the way up. Why not stare into space for a little bit?

"Good mornin Mama." She finally rasped out and I sat her on my bed while getting her toothbrush ready. Then I closed the door so I could pee and make this print go down. Don't judge, it's been an every morning thing since Onika has been here. Can't go without doing it.

Once I was finished, I washed my hands and let Lynn in to brush her teeth. While she did that, I went to get Onika up. She was curled up, but on her phone. Looking like she just woke up.

"My momma wanna see us today."

I raised an eyebrow ready to protest against it, but I heard a voice come from the phone. That must be her mother.

"I miss my babies."

A scoff left my mouth making Onika snap her head to me. Then she shook it before going back to her phone. I don't care. That woman will always get this side of me. She don't deserve happiness from this side.

"I'm sure Lynn has gotten so big."

"She has. But she has school so you won't be able to see her."

"Oh she's in school? Do they allow people to bring lunch for the kids?"

"I don't know momma, but I don't want you to do that. She doesn't even know you."

"Of course she does...Why wouldn't she?"

"Last time she saw you, you were screaming at me over some money. She doesn't know you."

"I apologize. But I do want to see my grandchild. She's the only one that I don't see much."

Onika sighed taking the phone off of speaker. She know i'm most likely gonna end up saying something. I watched her get out the bed and head to the bathroom. Before she walked past me I grabbed her half naked body. She getting to me.

"Can I have a kiss?"

She gestured as if she was brushing her teeth and walked away. We would always tussle over this. Onika will not kiss if both of our teeth aren't brushed. She'll act like it's the most disgusting thing ever. I kissed her once when her teeth weren't brushed and she started gagging. Mine was though.

"Momma I don't wanna talk no more. It's always something with you. Where you at?"

Knew it. That lady only call when it's something. Can't put it past her. She lucky she's Onikas mother. So lucky.

"I don't have no fucking car for that!! You act like you don't understand!"

Onika will do all that yelling and still give in. That's one thing she will do, tell her mother about herself. But Carol don't care because she know she's gonna get what she want from it.

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